Not Minding

"No! Give me back my phone" Tina frowned and insisted still standing beside Patrick's car door and just then her mother was already coming out to the street where they were arguing and saw them and was surprised to saw Tina whom she thought has already left to work with Patrick.

Mama-Tina smiled as she got closer to them and Patrick saw her first and greeted her, shifting his gaze away from Tina to her mother.

"Good morning ma."

"Yes morning, My In-law" Mama-Tina smiled sweetly at Patrick, responding to his greeting while Tina frowned having heard her mother just called Patrick her in-law.

Patrick smiled sweetly back to Mama-Tina as they exchange pleasantries while Tina couldn't took it anymore standing there as she was irritated at how her mother liked Patrick over Chris and Tina screamed out at her mother, "Mom! He's not your inlaw okay!," but Mama-Tina ignored Tina and smiled at Patrick as she continued talking to Patrick to Tina's hearing.

"Don't mind her, Are you leaving, why not drop me off at the market square as the sun is hot and I won't see a bike from here?."

"Okay mama, come in" Patrick opened the second door to the second front seat and Mama-Tina turned to Tina and said, "Ain't you going to work, why not come in for him to drop you too, The sun is hot and I don't want Godsent to have any sunburn."

Tina was shocked to heard what her mother just said, [When do babies start having sun burn?], and Tina saw Patrick smiling and her mother didn't even waited for her response as she walked and entered into the car from the other side door while Tina glared at Patrick with dagger eye.

Patrick was still with her phone and there was no way Tina was going to allowed Patrick took her phone with him.

"Tina get inside the car, you are suffering my grandchild. You're supposed to be at your madam's workplace by now, what took you so long?" Mama-Tina scolded Tina and Tina quickly replied, "Mama tell him to give me back my phone."

"Did you take her phone?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick, staring from Tina to Patrick, but she didn't waited for Patrick's replied either and she told Tina, "Don't worry, he will give you back your phone. Just come in so he can drop us both," Mama-Tina opened the car door for Tina but Tina didn't wanted to entered Patrick's car before but she couldn't disrespected her mother in front of Patrick, So Tina mumbled out some cussing words to Patrick before finally entering into Patrick's car.

Patrick had to dropped Tina first before driving to the market place to dropped her mother, so as soon as Tina stepped down from his car, Tina requested for her phone again, when she asked him to drop her off before her madam's workshop but Patrick refused giving her the phone back until Mama-Tina asked him, "Why did you take her phone?."

"Mama, I don't like her using it I want to buy a new one for her" Patrick replied but Tina quickly spoked, "Mom don't mind him, he's jealous because I told him my boyfriend bought it for me.."

"Tina will you keep shut! .. which boyfriend?" Mama-Tina quickly cut Tina off and she turned to face Patrick and said, "My son don't mind her. Why not give her back the phone first, when you get a new phone for her you can collect this one from her hand, I think is better that way," Mama-Tina suggested and Patrick finally agreed and brought out Tina's phone from where he had kept it and he gave it back to Tina but Tina yanked her phone away from his hands and left saying, "Mama bye bye, sell well today oo."

"Okay," Mama-Tina replied as Tina left them and she talked to Patrick in his car before Patrick started his car's engine, and she said to him, "That's not how to deal with a woman. You shouldn't have seized her phone no matter who may have gifted it to her."

"Am sorry mama" Patrick sighed and apologized.

"It okay. You shouldn't be apologizing to me, just try and take things ease with my daughter okay."

"Okay ma'am."

Patrick started his car's engine and drove Mama-Tina to her shade and he bought some fruits from her hands and bid her good sales as he left back home.

When Patrick was returning back, he decided to stopped at Tina's seamstress place again as he wasn't yet leaving to the city, so he wanted to spent a little more time with Tina in her village since Tina had refused coming to his owned village.

Patrick parked few distance down from Tina's madam shop and stayed at an open restaurant where he could clearly saw her seamstress place from and Patrick paid them money to served him food as he hadn't eaten the morning he left home because he wanted to catch-up with Tina before she left to work.

Patrick sat down on a seat of two and ate his food silently and a beautiful young lady of Tina age, whom was the one serving Patrick and other customers food, admired Patrick.

She was fair like Tina but not as beautiful as Tina and she smiled sweetly at Patrick as she served him and Patrick smiled back at her and continued eating his food silently, while waiting for Tina to closed.

The fair lady whom had attended to Patrick, stared at Patrick seductively as she could told the handsome guy she was seeing (Patrick) has money.

Patrick looked so handsome with his nicely shaved beards and hair cut and she smiled sweetly at Patrick when she was thru attending to some of her mother's customers and she went and sat opposite to Patrick on the table of two seat Patrick sat and she sat facing Patrick.

Patrick stared up at her and he didn't said anything as he watched her sat.

Patrick obviously admired fair ladies because he was a dark skin guy in complexion guy, so he didn't questioned her why she sat next to him.

Patrick had entertained female strippers when he went clubbing with his friends, Alex, Matthew and David. Then he wasn't in any serious relationship and he hadn't meet Tina then, so he didn't flinched when she touched his hand and spoke to him seductively.

Patrick only looked up at her as he was already thru eating just waiting for Tina to closed from her Madam's shop and the beautiful lady spoke to him.

"Hi, my name is Amanda but you can call me Ama" The beautiful lady in front of Patrick smiled and Patrick replied her, "Amanda?.. You're bearing the same name with my baby sister, Amanda too. Although she's not really a baby but teenage girl just that she's my mother's last child" Patrick explained.

"Okay, that's nice, so what's your name?" Ama asked him and Patrick stared at her face and replied "Am Patrick."

"Oh you look so handsome, Are you from this village?. I have never seen someone like you here before?" Ama asked Patrick, staring at Patrick with seductive eyes and Patrick replied her, "No, Am from Ujuwa village, is next to Agboda village" Patrick said.

"Oh that's fine, I heard from a friend of mine, Ujuwa guys are always fine and well to do men" Ama fascinated and Patrick just smiled at her as he stared at her pretty face.

Ama seemed to have a peaceful and nice aura unlike Tina, Patrick thought and he asked her, "Are you from this village?."

"Yeah, I am. You know Ochanda girls are very cute, so am from here, here is my mother's shop, we live at the back compound as my father own the house and shops here" Ama said sweetly to Patrick.

"Okay that's nice" Patrick replied and just then one of Tina's madam apprentice came to buy food from Ama's mother restaurant and she came with Stella whom immediately recognized Patrick because she had seen Patrick before and just the previous weekend at Tina's home, so Stella frowned and greeted Patrick, "Good afternoon," but Patrick didn't seemed to recognized Stella.

Ama didn't also even stood up to answered them as Ama rather called out her junior sister to come attended to them together with her mother's workers.

Stella then spoked to her fellow colleague whom she came with, "Am coming, let me get something from our madam's shop.*

Stella immediately rushed out to their madam's shop to told Tina, whom was inside at their seamstress shop sewing that she saw Patrick.

"Tina , Tina!" Stella rushed in and the other apprentices turned to looked at Stella and to stared out at their frontage wondering what could possibly be chasing Stella by that calmed afternoon.

"What?" Tina answered Stella,

"Can you believe I saw your husband chatting and smiling with Amanda, the one that her mother sells food" Stella said breathing heavily as their madam wasn't around but Tina frowned hearing Stella mentioned "her husband."