Night With Patrick

Chapter warning!

Not suitable for readers below 18

Patrick Intensified his kissing, devouring Tina's lips, showering her with hot kisses and Tina couldn't resist him, as she unknowingly returned his kisses as her hands rather travelled behind Patrick's back, touching Patrick all over his body to deepen their kiss.

Tina finally pulled away from Patrick breathing heavily and she told him, "Patrick, please am sorry. Stop kissing me, I can't resist your kiss" Tina said to Patrick, trying to turned away from him as she became ashamed of herself but Patrick drew closer to her and pulled her back to his chest as he touched her face gently, stroking it and tracing his right fingers all over her body, and he told her, "Is because you love me too, that's why you can't resist me."

Raising Tina's face upwards to face him, Patrick spoked to her, "Tell me Tina, tell me you love me."

Tina looked away, while patrick bent to her neck and started kissing her again, kissing her neckline as he pulled her more closer and pressed his lips on hers.

Tina returned all Patrick's kisses, kissing him more than he was kissing her.. as they were both hungry for each other.

Patrick brought her to his king-sized bed and this time gently stripped Tina off, as Tina was so hot and she didn't knew what was wrong with her and she couldn't stopped him either. All she knew at this moment was that she wanted Patrick and she wanted him inside of her so badly. "..."

Tina kissed Patrick and touched him all over as both of them were without clothes on the bed.

When Patrick wanted to penetrate Tina, he kissed her gently and looked to her face as he saw she was looking scared at him even though she wanted him in hers.

Patrick kissed her softly and said to her,

"Don't worry I won't hurt you, I will be easy, I promise," Tina just shook her head saying "okay" and bited on her lower lips, as Patrick thrusted into her and made love to her throughout the whole night, without protection, as he went round and rounds with Tina, making love to her as both of them were craving for each other's touch, kissing and sucking on each other.


Patrick immediate younger sister (Cindy) wanted to come checked up on Tina but when she got closer to Patrick's room door and wanted to knocked on the door, Mama-Patrick saw her called her, "Cindy,What are you trying to do?."

Cindy paused and stared back to her mother, and Cindy was Sharon's immediate elder sister, the bridge between Sharon and Patrick.

"Mom, I want to check on Tina if she's here" Cindy said pausing as she was about to knocked on Patrick's door, and Mama-Patrick replied her,

"Don't worry, I have seen them myself, Tina is fine and let her sleep there."

Mama-Patrick was happy that Tina has forgiven her son, as she wanted her son to be happy and she had seen it in Patrick's eyes, face and mood that he was truly in love with Tina.

Mama-Patrick had previously brought several girls for Patrick to marry, since he has money and she wanted him to marry early and give her grand children on time, but Patrick had refused all the girls she brought to him, saying he wasn't interested.

Mama-Patrick was the happiest that night as she returned back to her chamber and went to told Amanda to brought little Godsent later to her room to come sleep there, as she didn't wanted Amanda to go disturbed Tina and Patrick in anyway.


Early morning in Ujunwa village

Inside Patrick's chamber..

Tina woke up early feeling shameful as reality dawn on her what she had done the previous night with Patrick.

She couldn't believed herself, as she has never thought that she was that loose and longing for Patrick to slept with her as Patrick slept besides her touched, while she moved her hand laying on his bed.

Tina bursted out crying realizing what both of them has done, as in between of her legs was still aching and she could smell the scent of Patrick all over her.

Patrick was still sleeping when he heard Tina broke out crying and he woke up and sat up closer to her, as the both of them were still nàked and just the bedspread covering their below.

Patrick leaned and drew closer to pet her, and Tina noticed he was awake and as sat up, but she couldn't stop herself from crying.

"Why are you crying this early morning?" Patrick drew closer to her as he asked, wanting to pulled Tina into a quick side hug to pet her but Tina pushed his arms away and spoked, "Don't touch me!."

Patrick sighed and stood up from his bed to go ease himself in the restroom, and just as he stood up, he was still unclad, so Tina's eyes travelled to his third leg in between his thigh, and she immediately stared away before Patrick would noticed her staring at him.

Patrick had a quick bath as he came out tying towel and although he wasn't used to covering himself up, as he love staying unclad in his room while he dressed up and dry his wet body, but because Tina was in his room, he had to tied his white towel around him as he came out from bathroom and sat back closer to Tina on his bed as he spoked softly to her, "Am sorry for what happened between us last night, my love?."

Tina stared at Patrick wondering when she became his love and she refused him immediately saying, "Am not your love, don't call me that."

Patrick turned to her and drew closer to her on the bed and he held her both hands to looked at him as he apologized to her again, so she could stopped crying and he said, "I really do love you Tina, I just don't know why you can't see it."

Tina wanted to pushed Patrick's hand away, as she was beginning to felt uncomfortable again but Patrick left her hand and lifted her chin to face him as he shifted very closer to her and wiped off her tears away from her eyes and cheeks with his palm, and he said, "You don't have to cry, I will never hurt you or abandoned you, I will always be here for you okay. I love you and I honestly do, even if you don't see it now, am hopeful someday you will see how much my heart yearn to be with you, I really love you Tina.. is not like am lusting after your body, but all of me wants you, just give me a chance."

Tina looked at Patrick as she couldn't said anything to reply him.

Tina thought, [His really handsome and cute like my son, but what have I done, how do I face Chris], Tina silently shook her head and Patrick drew her closer to his chest for a warm hug, and Tina didn't pushed him away again, as she was quiet and didn't sobbed again.

Tina agree she loved Patrick too as she thought silently, [I think I like him too, I think my heart is beginning to melt for him.]

After some minutes of hugging and staying calmed in each other embrace, Patrick finally lifted Tina's chin upwards to face him and he kissed her lips softly.

Tina didn't rejected Patrick's kiss as she rather lifted her hands upwards and touched his beards and kissed him in returned. They both felt hot again, and Tina wasn't ashame this time. She allowed Patrick made love to her again as she was all over him too and she sat on him on his bed staring into his face and she bent on him and laid on his chest.

After their early morning love making session, Tina went to showered with Patrick's help, allowing him bath her and having fun together.

Tina finally stepped out and asked him, "What will I wear?," As she didn't came with any clothes not knowing she would spent a night in Patrick's village and Patrick replied her, "Am coming, let me ask my sisters."

Patrick dressed up and went to Cindy's room to asked her for cloth as Cindy and Tina were almost same size, just that Cindy was few years older than Tina and Cindy gave Patrick some of her beautiful dresses that she thinks will sized Tina.

Cindy told Patrick, "Ask Tina to choose any of them if she like all she can keep it and use it for her stay here, or take it home with her."

"Thanks sis" Patrick thanked Cindy and he left  to his chamber and walked in to gave Tina the dresses that Cindy had given to him.

The dresses were expensive dresses and Tina knew they were highly expensive as she couldn't afforded such dress.

Patrick said to her, "My sis, said if you like all of them, you can use it for your stay here, or take it home with you."

"Stay here?" Tina thought aloud and Patrick replied her, "Yes, don't you like to stay a little to look around", Patrick offered, coming closer to sat beside her on his bed and Tina replied,

"Well.. No, I want to go home."

Tina stared away and said, "Besides you already said my mom told you to bring me home today."

"Yeah, she said that, but if I explained to her, that am showing you around, am sure she won't mind" Patrick said and Tina spoked,

"Hmm, okay, let me dress up first, and am hungry."

Tina stood up from Patrick's bed to test the beautiful dresses Cindy gave to her as she loved them.