Planned Kidnap

Chris parked a few distance away from Tina's madam place as he didn't wanted anyone to saw him around, as obviously he had other ulterior motive.

Chris couldn't just got it off his mind, that Tina lied to him, and she actually went to stayed with Patrick for some couple of days.

Chris was extremely provoked and he decided to waited for Tina along the road, where he knew Tina would eventually passed and wouldn't be able to dodge him nor avoided him.

Chris saw Tina approaching him and he came down from his car, and also walking up to meet her, but as Tina was getting closer to him, Chris saw Tina rather looking at the road back and forth, like one whom wanted to crossed over to the other side so he quickly called out her name, "Tina wait, is me Chris."

Tina was so shocked to heard Chris voice and so she turned and saw the man she was afraid off approaching her was actually Chris. And so her heart calmed and she walked up to meet him, breathing out in relieved.

"I thought you were one of those guys stalking me. I almost got scared and wanted to cross over immediately," Tina said smiling, as walked up to meet Chris beside his car, and she greet him, "Good evening.*

Chris smiled at Tina and he hugged her first as he had missed her and he replied, "How you doing,?, Surprised to see me here?."

Chris teased while Tina smiled sweetly to him instead of responding, As even though it was already evening and gradually getting dark, Chris could still saw Tina's face clearly, as she was very yellow under the moonlight and evening sky approaching.

"I really miss you," Tina cupped Chris face, while Chris still hugged her closer to his chest, holding Tina's waist.

"When did you arrived?" Tina asked Chris whom finally pulled away from the hugged and walked to opened up his car door.

And Chris checked his wristwatch time before he replied her, "Earlier today. I actually came very early, and have gone home to see my people. I wanted to gave you a call, but I decided to pay you a surprise visit rather," Chris flashed Tina a cute handsome smile.

"Thank you," Tina replied and Chris asked her, "So how have you been doing Tina?. in is already getting late let me drop you home before going back to the city, As I really wanted to see you today before going, that's why I came and couldn't waited till tomorrow."

"Why, didn't you branch when you where coming?, You could have rested a little for today, the drive from the city to the village isn't it that far?," Tina asked Chris confusedly, as she walked over to the passenger seat of Chris car.

"No is not. Just four hours from here and we are already in the city," Chris replied Tina as he entered into his car first.

Tina trusted Chris to dropped her home, as it wasn't her first time following, Chris home, As Chris had dropped her off before most times and even brought her to work too. So Tina entered into Chris car and sat in the second front seat without suspect anything..

Chris switched on something and pretended like his car refused to started and he stepped down from his driver's seat and went to his car bonnet as he pretended like it was not working, as the gas he switched on was already smelling, And he told Tina, *Wait, let me check the car bonnet again.*

Tina sat waiting, While Chris pretended like he was fixing something in his car, and few minutes later Chris came back to checked up on Tina and saw Tina and her son had already fallen asleep.

Chris smirked as they didn't even knew when they slept off. And so Chris switched off the induced gas that cause both of them to slept off and he waited for the remaining gas to clear off from his car.

Chris finally came back and put on Tina seat belt, And he entered into his car seat and he ignited on the car's engine and drove off to the city..

Chris didn't went back home to his village again as, he knew there was no possible way of him hiding Tina there, so he took Tina to his house in the city, as he was the main owner of his house in the city, and he lived alone there, as it was a simple house, a three bedroom apartment, kitchen, toilet, bathroom and store room.

Chris arrived very late at night ti City A. and as he wasn't living in the heart of City A, where Patrick and most of the elite lived, As Chris was still living closed,

Chris car was stopped severally at different Police checkpoint before his arrival to his home late at midnight.

And when the police officers flashed their torch light to check Chris car, they assumed Chris was a married man that was traveling from the village to the city, As Chris could hid his facial expression and hid whatever hidden agenda he had, So none could suspected anything.

"Young man, park!" One of the police officer in uniform ordered Chris, just as Chris slowed down and parked in one of their check point.

"Whose the pretty lady beside you, is she sleeping?," The police officer asked looking suspiciously at Chris and the baby too.

"She's my wife sir?" Chris replied calmly to the police officer whom stand beside him.

Looking at Chris and Tina asleep, The police officer felt they were truly a couple, but the police officers still had to do their job and so the ordered Chris,

"Wake her up?."

The police officer watched Chris intently ti knew if Chris would refused to woke the young lady asleep, that Chris had claimed to be his wife up.

But Chris didn't even flinched nor hesitated as he tapped Tina gently on her thigh to woke up.

Chris tapped and talked to Tina slowly, as Godsent had already waken up with his eyes shining brightly at the police officers.

"Tina Tina! Wake up" Chris voiced and tapped on Tina again to wake up.

Tina opened her sleepy eyes, and as she was still very tired and sleepy, she didn't even noticed where she was, but she heard Chris voice and replied, "Chris am a little tired just drive home, have we gotten home, Am feeling sleepy," Tina said and drifted to sleep again, not even casting a single glance at Chris, As she turned her face to the other side still sleeping.

The police officer looked at the pretty young lady face, and then he looked back at Chris, and asked, "Can I see a photo of you both indicating she's your wife."

Chris swiped opened his phone screen and showed the officers photos of him and Tina, That he had taken with Tina before when they were still dating together in the village and before he proposed to Tina, And the police officers, finally let Chris to passed, and apologized to Chris rather for wasting his time with their investigation,.

"We are sorry for the inconveniences sir, but we have to properly do our jobs as there have been different rumors of missing persons and kidnap along this road. So sorry, you may leave now," The strict police officer apologized friendly to Chris with a smirked curved up her lips and Chris responded,

"No problem officer. I understand you're doing your job, thank you," Chris started his car engine and immediately drove home to his house in City A..

When Chris got closer to his house gate, he parked, and came down and went to opened up his gate, as he had given his gatekeeper two weeks leave, so he would be alone at that period..

Chris went back to his car and drove into his compound and parked, then he went out of the car to locked back his gates properly, And after locking his gate, Chris smiled to himself and squealed, "Yes! This what i wanted to did before. To bring Tina with me to the City before Patrick come in me way to have Tina. Hmm.. Tina is mine now."

Chris walked back to his car to helped Tina out as she was still sleeping in his car.