Arriving Ochanda

Patrick travelled to Tina's village first, as he didn't wanted to reached his own village in Ujunwa, because he knew if he got home, his mother would inquired of him about Tina and her grandson, And he didn't wanted his mother worrying or to got involved, As she was getting old, and to prevented her from suffering any sort of panic attack.

Patrick didn't travelled alone, as this time, he travelled with some of his body guards, As he knew Tina's parent house in her village, but their wasn't bigger enough, compared to his mansion in his village, but he still had to be there to stayed with them.

Patrick had planned on renovating Tina's father house before their marriage, but he kept that aside, untill Tina and their son were found.

Arriving at Ochanda, Patrick drove to Tina's father house straight, And when he was passing at Tina mother's shade, at the market square,

Patrick saw that Mama-Tina didn't also opened her shade, as she wasn't at the market square, and Patrick sighed, as he continued with his driving.

When Patrick got to Tina's father house, he drove in with his G-class Jeep and parked, As his security body guard were with him. Two hefty men, looking like bouncers. As they had been working for Patrick for more than five years, and they love and respected their boss.

Patrick stepped down and greeted Mama-Tina, while some sympathizers, that were Mama-Tina's neighbor and friends at her marker shade, were also sitting beside her on the bench in front of the house, stood up, when they saw Patrick's G-class Jeep drove into Mama-Tina's compound and parked.

Fear gripped them, as they saw the hefty men that also stepped out from the Jeep before Patrick and they wanted to ran away and hid thinking the men came for them.

Mama-Tina stared up and saw Patrick in her home, As it has been a week and yet, she hasn't seen her Tina nor her grandson. And Patrick approached her and he greeted her, "Good afternoon Mama.?"

Some of the elderly women seated on the bench beside Mama-Tina stood, as they saw Patrick seemed familiar with Mama-Patrick, and they saw the two hefty men guarding the Jeep.

"Welcome my son, did you find her?", Mama-Tina asked, but Patrick frowned and replied,

""Mama am just coming back from the city, I didn't saw Tina there."

Mama-Tina bursted out crying saying,

"Where could Tina have gone too!. Who has taken my daughter away from me?."

"Mama please calm down, we will find Tina. If we can't find her in this Village, I will also report the matter to the city police station, but I don't even have any photo of Tina or my son with me either," Patrick said faintly, and hopeful he would found Tina. And Mama-Tina replied to him,

"I have her photos inside, I have given some to the Police men, luckily we took several photos on Godsent birthday, I think that will help."

"Okay mama, don't worry, am sure she's fine wherever she may be" Patrick said, trying to console Mama-Tina again.

"Okay my son welcome home."

Mama-Tina told her friends that they would see later, as they started learning her compound.

"Mama, what of Papa?" Patrick asked, As he saw the elderly women leaving.

"He has gone to work" Mama-Tina replied as she sighed, that her husband has gone to work not minding his daughter's disappearance.

"Is okay, mama don't worry too much, we will go visit the police station now to see how far they have gone with their investigation"  Patrick said.

"Okay my son, I still prepared a little food because of my sons, so when they're back, they will see something to eat, Should I serve you some?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick, staring at him and waiting for his response.

As she knew at a time like that, food wouldn't be important, but they still needed to ate and feed their stomach, so they wouldn't got sick in the process of looking for Tina.

"It okay Mama, Am not hungry now, I and the guys, already ate some before getting to the village," Patrick replied, smiling faintly to Mama-Tina.

"Okay my son. Let me go in and change my clothes before we go to the police station then."

Mama-Tina finally went inside to changed her clothes. And when she stepped out, she left with Patrick to the station in his G-class Jeep.


Tina had stayed a week plus in Chris house, but Chris never allowed her to went out. And he has also refused on giving to Tina her phone.

Tina was angry at Chris as to why he restricted her from speaking to her family, As she knew her family would be worried sick about her disappearance with Godsent. And she couldn't understood why Chris has refused her from speaking to any of her family members either, including her mother.

Tina refused eating her foods again, as she couldn't continued eating, knowing her family would be worried about her, while she pretended liked all was well her staying in Chris house, When all wasn't well at all.

Chris came out as he hadn't gone to work yet and was still on his two weeks leave, And Tina wondered if Chris even has a job in City A, like he usually claimed to her, as he has being around since he brought her to the house..

"You haven't eaten your food yet, why?" Chris asked, pretending like he didn't knew why she hasn't eaten anything. And Tina stared to him from where she sat on, one of the couch in his parlour, As Chris allowed her to moved freely inside of his house, but not allowing her to went outside the house or his main exit gates either. And Tina replied to him angrily,

"Why should I eat Chris, knowing my parents are very worried about me, And you expect me to eat and be happy here with you?."

Chris drew closer to Tina and sat on the opposite couch across to her and said,

"Tina I just wanted us to spend some more time together, away from your family, I have already called your mother myself and told her you are with me, so there's no need of you to worry about her, as your phone it faulty. When I found it, the screen has already cracked, like you matched it. So I have given it out to the phone engineers to repair it, as soon as they are thru I will give it back to you, so you don't have to be worry, just eat" Chris smiled to her. But Tina asked him,

"You called my mother when?, Fine.. borrow me your phone let me call her and speak to her by myself, As am not comfortable knowing that she might be worrying about me",

Chris was quiet and then he responded saying,

"I don't have Airtime now, when I buy a calling credit, I will give you my phone, so you mean to tell me that you don't trust me or believe me anymore Tina?."

Chris stared into Tina's eyes but she looked away from him and replied,

"Not that Chris, am just worried about my mother, I don't want her worried sick about me."

"Hmm, but do you still love and trust me?" Chris asked, stood up and walked to meet Tina and he took her hands into his, sitting down back beside Tina and staring to her face.

Tina gulped before she could replied to Chris. And she said,

"I do love you Chris , I don't know why you are doubting if I love you or not, have told you I do love you, just let me go home."

Tina stared away and not wanting to stared into Chris's eyes. But he asked,

"If you truly love me, why are you now looking away. Why not tell me the truth facing me, and looking into my eyes?."

Tina stared back at Chris and shrugged her shoulders, then she bited on her lower lip. As Chris stood up and kissed her to her left cheek, then he said to her,

"I will be going out to see a friend, and would lock the door from outside, don't try anything funny or stupid, i will be back soon okay."

Chris kissed Tina more to her lips this time, And Tina didn't push Chris away, nor kissed him back either, as she just allowed Chris to do whatever he wanted and leave her.

When Chris kissed her lips and saw Tina didn't returned his kisses, like before, Chris stared to her face and smiled to her asking, "You don't want to kiss me right?."

Chris stared directly into her eyes, then he stood up and tapped on her shoulder and said to her, "Take care, I will be back soon, or will you like me to buy anything for you when am coming back?."

"No" Tina replied to him harshly and stood up, as she went in, while Chris watched her walked out on him, and he shook his head, and took his keys, before leaving the house, and locking the main entrance door from outside.