Make Up

Chris was very happy to know that Tina has forgiven him and no longer mad at him for bringing her to the city against her wish, and not letting her to called her parents too.

Chris woke up early and had to prepared for his office work, as his two weeks leave has already expired.

So he has to be in office as early as possible, as he knew even though Mella was now the new CEO of her father's company, he still had to be in office on time.

Chris prepared for his work early, and after he was thru, he stepped out to gave to Tina some money in case she needed to bought anything, while he was away. As he told her to send his domestic staff on errand, as he employed one maid, and his gate keeper was already back too, so Tina wouldn't be leaving the house gate.

Chris went to Tina's room and knocked on her room door, And Tina was still sleeping as usual, as she normally slept a lot, not having anything to do.

"Good morning Babe" Chris greeted Tina first, as he stepped in and drew closer to her on the bed, and he planted a kissed on Tina's cheek, whom still laid lazily on the bed.

"Good morning" Tina replied to him, and stretched as she sat up on the bed, while Chris said to her, "I will be leaving to work now. Here's money, in case you want to buy anything, you send the staff, I will introduce you to her before leaving, and you are not to go outside, I already explained to the gate keeper as well. Understand?."

Chris sat down beside Tina on the bed, and she bit on her lower lip with a frown and replied, "Fine, I do."

"Wouldn't you at least give me a hug or a kiss?, As I will be leaving to work now as am already getting late?" Chris asked teasingly to Tina and she replied him, "Mm, A hug is better, I haven't brushed my mouth yet."

Chris leaned over to kissed Tina, but she dodge his kiss. Making Chris to smiled at her and he said, "fine you owe me a kiss. When am back, you will have to kiss me first as a welcome treat."

"Okay, bye" Tina replied to Chris, as she smiled and finally stood up from the bed, and went to prepared herself for the rest of the day, while Chris left to his work place.


Patrick hasn't spoken to Anita since she recently got married, As he was sure that she has seen his wedding gift to her, and thought of calling Matthew instead, to congratulate them. But he feared maybe Matthew might think otherwise of him, so decided to let them enjoyed their marriage in peace, without his interference, but he still misses Anita though.

Anita was a friendly being, and Patrick was happy for her that she was now married.

While thinking of Anita, his phone beep and, it was even Matthew calling him, making Patrick to smiled in surprised and he picked up.

"Hello friend, long time friend!" Matthew's voice echoed into Patrick's ear, And Patrick sighed and replied, "Good friend, Am fine, how's your wife and you doing?."

"My wife surely is the one that you would ask of first, why not ask how am doing?" Matthew probe and Patrick laughed out and replied, "Am sorry man, you know it always ladies first. So how are you and your wife doing?. Hope you both are enjoying your honeymoon?."

"All fine, I just called to thank on the gift you sent, my wife and I. We appreciate it, As she insisted I call you to thank you for honouring our invitation," Matthew explained.

"Oh!. It's okay, we are still good friends, letting bygone be bygone, and starting a new chapter again," Patrick replied calmly.

"Yeah sure, but we ain't in City A now. When we are back we will visit you" Matthew assured and Patrick replied him, "That's fine by me, I will be looking forward to that, do enjoy your honeymoon."

"Okay," Matthew laughed out just as the ended the call.


"Who was that?", Anita ask her husband, as she came in to join him in bed, in the luxurious hotel they lodge, and Matthew grabbed her and pulled her to the bed as he kisses her cheek and replied, "Is Patrick. Didn't you asked me to call him and to thank him?."

Matthew kisses Anita cheek fondly.

"Yeah, I did. but you didn't even waited for me to stepped out first and to thank him too" Anita pouted, resting her head to Matthew's chest as they cuddle up on the bed.

"No, no. Not now we are on our honeymoon. When we are back to City A, I told him, both of us will visit him okay," Matthew raised Anita's chin upwards to face him, and he planted a warm kiss on her lip..

Just as they went on enjoying themselves and making sweet love together in their hotel room.


Chris got back to work in his office, and he was really busy and as usual wouldn't even have time to check up on Mella..

Mella was previously working as one of the seniors staff, but now that she has been assigned as the new CEO, she was more busy also and preoccupied than before, checking a lot of data and files and all production made, There was no time for her to stroll to any offices or check on anyone, even during break, as she was very busy.

After closing from work for the day, Chris was set to leave for home to saw Tina, when he was told by one of the senior staff, that the new boss requested of him to see her in her office.

Chris went to see Mella and he stopped in front of her office door and knocked,

Knock knock!.

"Yes come in", Mella voiced from the inside her office as she sat on her executive office seat.

"Hi Chris I saw that you were already leaving, And you didn't even want to come and say Hi to me today in my office?" Mella frowned as she stared up to Chris whom quickly replied, "No, not that. I just assumed that you were very busy as today is first day at work, as the new CEO."

"Mm.." Mella smiled sweetly at him, then she said, "Yeah you can say that, I just want to see your handsome face before you leave, nice seeing you back at work," Mella winked at Chris again and he smiled to her and asked, "Can I go now?."

"Yes, you can, but will you like to give me a peck before leaving?," Mella look at Chris with love sick eyes, and Chris wanted to refused her, as he said, "But we are in office?."

"Just a peck Chris, Please.." Mella stood up and walked over to meet Chris, seeing that he didn't wanted to come over to her side, and she hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Satisfied?" Chris asked her, wanting to leave but Mella replied, "Awn, Am not but I can manage that."

Mella smiled sweetly to Chris and she waved him bye.

Chris sighed heavily as he left her office and drove back home to his house, and when he got inside, Tina had already prepared something for them to eat. As ever since Tina came to his house, she refused doing anything, but luckily for Chris, she decided to make them a nice soup for them to eat.

Tina seemed to have forgiven him after he look her out to stared around town, and she went having fun watching movies in the cinema with her son and Chris, and she seemed happy though as she welcome Chris in..

"Mm, I can perceive the delicious aroma, what did you prepare?" Chris asked her, as soon as he stepped in and hugged her as she approached him.

"Village soup, Something nice, or do you think I don't know how too cool?" Tina asked him romantically, and Chris smiled and responded, "Well I didn't doubt that. I just assumed you didn't want too before "

"Wait am coming, let me go in and freshen up first, then we will enjoy your meal."

Tina smiled and allowed Chris passed, and Chris stare at little Godsent, whom doesn't failed to reminded him of Patrick. And Chris sighed and decided he would paid Patrick a visit to his office, to know how Patrick has been coping, since the disappearance of Tina. .

Chris smiled at his thought to visited Patrick, while Tina saw Chris looking at her son and smiling. And she assumed maybe, Chris doesn't really hate her son as she had thought before.