Taking Her Home

Mama-Tina continued speaking to Tina on phone, and she said, "It okay my daughter, Am just happy that you are found. I hope nothing happened to you and Godsent?," Mama-Tina sounded a bit worried, and Tina replied,

"No mama, we are fine. We will soon come home to see you and Papa. How're Papa, Richmond and Jude doing?."

"They are all fine Tina, and also happy to heard that you are found. Take good care of yourself and please give the phone back to my in-law."

Tina sighed, as she heard her mother called Patrick her in-law, while she gave to Patrick back his phone, and continued feeding her son, as she didn't had the appetite nor strength before to ate much, not after all the things that Chris had said to her, but now she felt better and could feed her son.

Tina wanted to leave Chris house immediately, so she went in and packed only her things that she used to came in the first time Chris brought her from the village, leaving all the things behind that Chris has bought for her in the room.

After Patrick finished speaking to Mama-Tina on phone, he came back inside to checked on Tina, and saw that she has gone inside to packed her things.

Patrick waited for her to be thru, as he assumed she went to carry her bag, and his assumptions was right, As he saw Tina coming out with only her handbag that she was carrying, and he questioned, "is it only this bag that you came here with?."

Tina meet his handsome troubled gazed on her and she replied, "What else where you expecting me to come out with?. A big travelling bag?."

Patrick smiled and he asked her, "How about your clothes, and Godsent clothes?."

"We didn't came here with anything. It was so unexpected, as I never thought Chris was taking us to the city with him, As I thought he was taking us home, so I was with only my handbag that i used in packing my stuff and Godsent toys and sweet."

"It's okay" Patrick replied, not wanting her to go into details, and he carried his son away from her arms, and they walked out of Chris house to his car, then he said to Tina.

"We still have to go to the police station to write down your statement, before we head home."

"Okay" Tina didn't asked him which home, As she was quiet all thru, even as it was already getting to late and dark. And they entered into Patrick's car, leaving only Chris domestic staff and gatekeeper at home.

When they got to the police station, Tina was told to explained how it all happened between herself and Chris, writing down her statement, and after she was thru, she stood up and left with Patrick.

While concerning the rape allegation Chris claimed, when the officer in charged had asked Tina if she was ràped by Patrick, Tina shook her head and she said, "No!.. he didn't forced me, just that after he kissed me then, I couldn't resisted him nor pushed him away. I felt weak and didn't understood what was happening, as I wanted more and kissed him back too, not until I felt the pain in my thigh even though he said it would hurt a little, I haven't been with a man before him, so I didn't understood, and I wasn't even prepare to be in a relationship then, but he didn't ràpe me, he only took advantage of me.."

The police officer looked at Tina for a while, before he shifted his gaze back to what he was writing, then he wrote down her statement.

Tina wouldn't agreed that it was forced, except if she had fought him nor tried to pushed him away. She could have, but she was weak then as of that night and she felt cold all thru, but with what Patrick was doing to her, It made her felt warmer, and it pained her then, because she hasn't accepted his proposal to be his girlfriend, as she knew how he has been disturbing her to be his woman. She had only wanted to gave her pride to her husband and since he took it away and still loved her, she has forgiven him and accepted him.

Tina finally walked out of the station with Patrick and her son. And Patrick didn't asked her anything nor what she told the police officer, as he was quiet all thru. As he was told, Chris would be charged to court for Kidnapped.

Tina got into Patrick's Jeep, and she didn't asked him where he was taking her too, as it was already late, and she knew they would not be going back to her village by that time of the night .

Patrick drove her to the Heart of City A, And Tina saw the large billboard displayed welcoming signboard, showing welcome to City A Heart above, And she knew Patrick was taking her to the hearts that Chris had spoken to her previously about.

Tina would have loved to saw more if the heart of the City very well, but as it was already late night, she just stared around, looking out from side-to-side from where she was seated at the second front seat while Patrick smiled at her and asked,

"Looking out, we are in the Heart of City A, Am sure you might have heard about it?."

"Yeah, I do see it on the media too in my phone, especially when I saw that your girlfriend that recently got married" Tina said, looking away from Patrick, and not wanting to saw his surprised reaction.

"Really?" Patrick just smiled at her and bit his lower lip, and he continued driving and didn't want to asked her, how she knew about his girlfriend, As obviously he already saw thar she was on social media too, and he usually visited her timeline post and previous photos that she had posted, to knew when she would be back online as he had missed her when she was in Chris custody. And he visited and stared to her page whenever he misses her too.

"How about your phone, Why haven't you been online since, you have lot of followers, and I was hoping that one day I will see you online, and chat with you, For you to read my messages, but I never saw you online. Where's your phone?" Patrick finally asked Tina, as he continued driving, as they were almost getting closer to his mansion.

"He seized it" Tina sighed, remembering how Chris never wanted her to called anyone of her family, and she frowned, while Patrick noticed it..

"Don't worry about the phone, I will buy you a new and bigger phone, Anyone of your choice, I will order it for you okay?" Patrick assured her softly, as he honk on his Jeep horn, for his security gateman to opened up his gate, and he drove into his mansion, just as the gatekeeper confirmed he was the one and pulled the gate opened.

"Welcome to my humble home, Tina" Patrick said, as he parked his Jeep and stepped down first, to opened her side-door for her to came down, While Godsent has already slept off.

"You live here all alone?" Tina asked him in surprised, and Patrick smiled to her as he carried Godsent up carefully and replied,

"Well... Yes I do, but I don't think I will be alone anymore, especially now I have you here with me. Come let's go inside," Patrick smiled, as held her hand to held her to stepped out, just after he had carried his son, up to rest his little head on his broad shoulder, and they finally went in.

Tina was marvelled at how exquisite the interior decorations of Patrick mansion looked As her eyes feed in his mansion, which looked, beautiful and sparkling white, beyond her imagination, As she never knew Patrick was that wealthy.

Tina smiled and went inside with Patrick to behold his living room, and Patrick left her and went upstairs to his bedroom to laid Godsent down on his bed.

Patrick knew Tina would already be tired too from the day stressed as it was already late, and so after he stepped out to meet her, he asked her, "Will you like to take a shower?."

"Hmph, no am tired" Tina replied, and Patrick walked closer to meet her and asked, "How about I help you, in taking your bath?. It will help you feel good and relax this your reddish face,"

Patrick teased as he tilted chin upwards to look at him, And Tina smiled to him, meeting his gazed, but she said,

"I don't want a cold bath, unless you warm the water to become a little hot."

"No problem" Patrick replied, and he Instructed his servants to warm up the bathing water for her.

Later Patrick took Tina to his room upstairs, and Tina asked him, just as they stepped in, "Are we going to share the same bedroom?."

Patrick laughed and he replied, "Is anything wrong if we do?."

"Well.." Tina didn't know what to replied, and she just smiled, while Patrick walked up to meet her and hugged her from behind, and spoked to her ears,

"I seriously missed you then, and don't want to ever be separated from you again."

Patrick leaned over and kissed her neck softly and helped her stripped off her clothes as the bathing water was ready.