Hotel Fight

Sully gave signs of life inside the magic backpack. The egg wobbled a little, but no cracks appeared. It was not yet time for it to be born.

Arthur wanted a faster means of transportation to get to the island. Maybe Sully could be the transport he needed, but how long would it take to hatch?

A week? Months? Years? How could Arthur know? No way would he rely on his luck for something like that.

He looked up at the stars, worried if he would see his friends again. Arthur sighed and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

Although it was still night, the streets were as busy as they were during the day. Every day, new people came to visit, excited about the upcoming tournament.

Arthur did not mind them, but minded his own business and returned to the hotel. When he got there, he noticed a few fighters in the hallways giving him threatening looks.

Perhaps this was their way of scaring the competition? Arthur did not care at all and just ignored them.