Theodore Challenged Arthur

Theodore got on Arthur's nerves since the first time they met. He only stopped after witnessing Arthur become the president of the academy.

It turned out he was now challenging Arthur's authority. How could he call himself the president if he did not protect his own students?

The girl also shared with him where Theodore was. It seemed he was mistreating others inside the dorm, so that is where Arthur went.

The dorm was not that far from the mansion, so it did not take long to reach. Some students who were nearby could see the anger on Arthur's face.

"President seems pissed. Who is the unlucky?"

"I don't know, but I'm happy it isn't me." Inside the dorm, Theodore was talking shit to other students.

"Huh? Do you really think I'll share my room with someone else? On your dreams."

"But this is the rules. There are few rooms for us, so it is two people for one room."

"This rule doesn't apply to a noble like me. Grab your stuff and get the hell out of my room."