An Army of Goblins

The first thing was to take a shower. Arthur was sweating like a pig after slashing that wooden sword for hours.

It was quiet in the mansion. Arthur went to his room and on his way he passed through Jane's and Wisa's room. There was no noise coming from them.

"Teaching these kids is not an easy task."

Arthur cleaned himself using the hot tub from his bathroom, and changed his clothing to a sort of pajamas.

Just like the other day, he had to cook his own food, and used whatever ingredient there was inside his kitchen to make something.

"What the hell is this? I don't know but it is eatable."

He threw everything and made something that surprisingly was tasty.

After that, it was time to sleep and rest. Sully was already doing that, snoring through the room.

Arthur wouldn't kick out his friend and companion. He had to somehow overcome the snoring problem.

He went to his comfy king-sized bed, and slept, thinking of how peaceful his life was at that moment.