Back to Odemore

Sully landed on the ship, slowly, to not break anything.

"Jack, my friend. I saw you from above and had to stop to say hello." Arthur said as he jumped from Sully's back, landing in front of Jack.

"Arthur, bastard. I don't see you for some time and you're now riding enormous beasts. How?"

Jack wanted a flying beast too after seeing how bad ass it looked.

"I'm amazing, that's why. Anyway, Jack, what are you doing in these parts?"

"You'll not believe it. Come, let's talk inside my room."

The rest of the crew could not understand what was happening, but it seemed Jack was okay with a huge wyvern inside their ship, so they did not mind it either.

Inside the captain's room, Arthur and Jack sat on two comfy chairs and talked about something that surprised Arthur a lot.

"You know about that new school of magic that's on an island far from here?"

Arthur was well-aware of that as he was the president of such a school.

"I do, yes. What did you find?"