Looking for Workers

Arthur thought the wyverns came to existence after the dragons were dead, but it turned out both species lived in the same period.

The diary stated wyverns were inferior to dragons, and that was something Arthur already knew.

"This is great. Now I can share some of these techniques with Kai."

It had a lot of wyverns techniques, and Arthur read through them to see what would fit Kai the most.

The first thing he needed to do was to see what was Kai's primary element. Harmony and the other teachers had done a test in all students, and Kai was supposed to be a water type mage.

although Arthur did not know if the mage attribute would be the same for the dragon techniques as well.

"I can only pray."

The school was getting emptier as the students finished their classes and went back to their dorms.

Kai, though, went to Arthur's office, excited about the training.

He knocked on the door, and a voice came from the room, "come in."