Was It a Success or a Fail?

"Why am I so unlucky?" Arthur thought.

There was no way to argue against a teacher, especially Matilda, so he got up from his chair and went in front of the class.

While he did that, Matilda grabbed her alchemy kit and installed it in front of everyone.

Philip sighed in relief, as he knew she had chosen Arthur only because they had just met.

The moment Arthur saw Matilda building the cauldron, he knew it was a test of alchemy on the first day.

Would she ask him to make a potion without proper guidance? What was the reason for such a test?

Arthur did not have the answer for that, and after Matilda finished preparing the alchemy tools, she handed him a paper with a recipe on it.

"Just follow the recipe and craft the potion. All ingredients are here." Matilda said.

She put all the ingredients above her desk. Arthur knew that alchemy wasn't as easy as just follow the recipe.