[Bonus chapter] The son of the Emperor

The moment Arthur reached that shop, and met with the man that made his fake ID, he acted as nothing had happened.

"Hello, it is you. I already talked with my contacts, and you also got lucky as one teacher left the school a few days ago. Here, take it. This is the acceptance letter."

He handed over the letter, and Arthur gladly accepted it. With that, he could enter the school without problems.

Arthur waved at the man and left. It was almost certain that the man would try something, but that would be stupid of him.

Namida school was in a rich neighborhood, and the size of it was incredible. Arthur stood in front of it and walked towards the two guards that were guarding the main gate.

They tried to stop him, and ask who he was, but all Arthur needed to do was show his documents, and the guards let him passed, and treated him with respect, far different from before.

"Follow us, Akhur." One guard said.