Undercover Mission (8) - Inside the City

"Done." Arthur said.

He sheathed his sword again and canceled the magical barrier he had cast to protect his squad members.

Speaking of them, none of them could believe what they had seen. Arthur was already someone high in their standards after what he did in the Fairy Mountains, but now?

Every time Arthur impressed them, which sent a warm feeling into their hearts.

Arthur was their king and for a citizen to witness the strength and greatness of one's king was something extraordinary, priceless.

All of them knelled towards Arthur, but he quickly made a sign for them to stand up.

"There is no need for this. We are all team mates here. Let's continue, but we need to be more vigilant."

They nodded in response, and after getting their shit together, they continue the journey.

A surprise attack on someone as strong as Arthur was a disrespect. How did they surprise him? He was pissed at himself for not being alert enough to see that something was wrong.

"I need to focus."