A Moment of Pleasure, and a Trespasser

The new realm of strength Arthur achieved proved to be helpful as he reached Slyvian in 2 hours and not days. Some adventurers and mages could only see a shadow passing through them.

He did not stop for a single moment, and soon the capital of Slyvian was in his sight. It looked exactly like before, with beautiful buildings, sturdy walls, and a spacious area, home to many elves and humans!

One of the things that changed after the initial fall of the Dragon Scale Empire was the friendship among elves and humans. Before, the elves would not easily allow humans to step foot inside Slyvian, but now it is a common sight.

Some adventurers took out missions that led them to the elven forest, and while doing the mission, they would rest and explore the famous city of Slyvian.

This made the city even more vivid than before, and the harmony between races was something beautiful.