The Boss is Back

The city was incredibly prosperous already, having shops and stalls all over the place, with farms around the area with crops and animals.

It even had a wall already for protection. Arthur was quite shocked at the speed of how the construction went.

"This is only possible with magic." He thought.

Arthur had been away for about two months. There was no way normal humans might build that many things in that short period.

Of course, everyone had helped, but for the wall, for example, earth magic was a must, or else it would take too long to finish.

"There is even a queue to enter inside your city. You are quite the man, Arthur." Signy said.

For them, Odemore was his magic academy, and was his city as well. When someone said Odemore, Arthur was the person who appeared in their minds.

"Let's skip the queue. I don't want to cause a commotion."

It was a simple task for him to avoid the guards, so he led everyone to the city's insides with no one noticing it.