Icy Cave (3) - Traitors

The initial parts of the Icy Cave weren't that cold, making it okay for anyone who wanted to camp in the area. Bailey said she was not comfortable while camping outside near the rest of the mages, and they all agreed to that!

Arthur, for example, wasn't scared of the mages outside, but the youth with black-hair gave him a sense of danger. For him, that person was the only one he should worry about in that area.

Well, the youth and the beasts they were about to face! They only rested for a few hours before heading inside the cave, looking for the scorpions.

"Keep your guard up! These scorpions appear out of nowhere, and we cannot trust the mages from other schools!" Bailey said.

It was a common occurrence for those mages to attack the others inside the Icy Cave and blame the scorpions or any other 'natural' thing. For them, it was a chance to get rid of some troublesome mages from these top schools, diminishing the power of their rivals.