The other party, as well as everyone else present in that restaurant, were shocked! Someone had to have a lot of guts to say that to another Official Mage, even if one was stronger.
Fights between Official Mages could go either way, and the amount of destruction it could cause was unmeasurable!
"What did you say?"
They were so angry after hearing what Arthur said that all of them wanted to attack him right there in that restaurant, but did not, as that would be a dumb move.
"What did I say? Well, it makes sense. Animals can't understand our language. Look, just go back to your room where you spend the night sucking the cock of that mage from the bird head academy, and stop bothering me."
It was the end of the line. The man tried to stay cool after hearing the insults coming from Arthur, as he already expected them, but that was something even he could not listen to quietly.