True Form of a Dragon

The inn room went completely silent after the first sentence spoken by Arthur. He wanted to explain further, but first waited for his two friends to recompose themselves.

"This is impossible. Dragons are only a legend. No one had seen one in ages." Liz said.

Arthur was expecting them to not believe him, and that is why he said he could prove it to them. How? Well, he could turn into a full dragon now, and wanted to find any excuse to test his new powers.

He was almost sure Lucas would share the same feeling as Liz, but it turned out that was not the case.

"Bro! No wonder you are handsome, strong, wise and many other things. You are not human! We humans cannot be this good, you know? Also, can you teach me how to breathe fire? I always found it look dope!"

Lucas was the type of friend anyone wanted. He did not even ask if his bro was telling the truth, but believed in it by heart, and that was something rare.