Old Man Nefion Versus Sebastian

"Eat this!" a student with a red robe yelled, sending a shadow hand.

Both schools used the same element, which made the fight harder for both sides, as they all knew how to deal with their own element. But, even though both used the shadow element, the Ouroboros school had the upper-hand in the student's clash!

That was to be expected. Ouroboros was superior in all aspects, but the Blood Spear Academy had Sebastian, which was the strongest mage on the central continent! Even if the Ouroboros students win the fight, it would not matter because Sebastian could end their lives just the same.

Speaking of Sebastian, he was away from the battlefield, fighting a one versus one against old Nefion, who would go all out for the sake of the continent.

"Now you will see why the power of the blood is the strongest path a man can take!" Sebastian said.