Shyvana, the Vampire

Arthur did not know the identity of that vampire lady, but she had to be someone special to walk around with two bodyguards. She was impressed by his strength to block her bodyguard's punch as if it was nothing.

"What brings this handsome young man to talk with someone like me?" she said, crossing her arms and staring at Arthur intensely.

There was no way a move like that would scare him, so Arthur said, "I can sense you are a vampire, and I have some things to discuss with you. Can it be in private?"


The lady seemed to be thinking about a lot of things, and in the end, she dismissed her two bodyguards and asked the restaurant owner not to allow anyone else inside the third floor, allowing her and Arthur to be alone.

"I am Shyvana, and you?" Shyvana said, extending her hand to Arthur.

He instantly knew what it was, so he picked her hand and lightly kissed the top, saying, "I am Arthur, Nice to meet you."