From Hunters to Dragon Priests

The vibe of that town was strange, and the silence made everything worse. What had happened in that place? Arthur had no idea but strongly guessed the vampires were behind it.

Sure thing; when Arthur got inside the town, he could see the dry corpses of humans, as if something had drained all of their blood. Vampires could drink any blood — if not poisonous — but they preferred human blood, which is why human towns and villages were the primary targets of those vampires.

"Bastards. They are close to here looking for the inheritance but have the time to slaughter a town! There is nothing for me to see here; I should leave," Arthur thought, but when he turned around, three people were looking at him.

It was the three hunters he had met before when they entered his shop, trying to look for the beast. Arthur had sensed they were following a few days before that, which is why he never stopped walking to ensure they would not catch up to him.