Turning the Avatar into a Vampire

"The shop guards will take him down; just wait and see," one of the people in the line said.

It was not the first time someone tried to cut the line and enter the shop, but they would get expelled and become a public joke every time.

Some of the hired guards approached him and said, "you cannot skip the line and enter. Please, come back!"

Arthur looked at them and said, "I own this shop. If you still want your job, then shut up."


No one had talked to them like that, and before they tried anything stupid with Arthur, Wisa came to see what the fuzz was about, and then she saw her husband!

"Guards, stop. He owns this shop!" Wisa said.

When she was the person saying that, then it must be true! The guards thought about what would happen if Wisa had not intervened to save them…

"This is looking good, Wisa. A row of people wanting to buy potions, and we even have people protecting the store," Arthur said as he hugged Wisa, and the two looked around the shop right after.