Battle Against a God (2) - Beatrice Took Control

A god was standing right before Arthur, looking at him with fiery eyes. It was someone from the other universe, the same one Beatrice came from.

"Well, look what we have here," he said, surprised to see someone like Arthur there.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am someone from another world, another universe. Do you believe in me, or do you find it crazy?"

"I know you are from the neighbor universe, but what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Do you know about that place? Well, let me tell you something more interesting. I am from a place called Earth. You probably never heard about it, but it is a planet in a faraway universe, not this one or the one you are talking about."


That was a revelation that took Arthur by surprise. Then, as they were called, the gods went to that planet when the portal opened, the same portal Arthur used to get to that place.

He guessed they were there because of it, but the portal closed right after Arthur was sent to that world, so the gods left.