Start of the Sex Season

The road to the Dragon Valley was smooth, and no trouble appeared on the road, such as bandits or adventurers who were not afraid of death.

Sybille stayed close to Arthur, Wisa, and Jane all the time, afraid that she would be taken away again. Arthur would not let that happen, even if he had to die to prevent it.

"Is this place really full of dragons? That's awesome," Sybille said as she looked at a majestic mountain in the distance.

Arthur laughed and said, "Of course. We have a cozy cabin down in the valley. You'll love it."

The three walked toward Dragon Mountain, and sure enough, a dragon appeared to see who was approaching.

"L-Lord Placidusax! You have returned!" The dragon said, surprised and happy at the same time to see his superior return.

And at that moment, a celebration broke out on the mountain. Not only the dragons but also the dwarves who already lived there joined the party, drinking mugs of beer and shouting, telling their miraculous story in the mines.