Troublemakers in the Shop

The liquor store was busy the entire day, and even when night came and Arthur wanted to close it out, clients were still coming! That made Arthur think of one thing, "I will have to hire some people to work here."

It would be necessary, or Arthur would have to spend much time inside the store, which was impossible! And he had a casino to run and many souls to get.

"Also, running a demonic cult is not easy, right?"

After a few customers went inside, Arthur moved toward the front door and changed the signing that said 'open' to the one that said 'closed.'

That would not make the customers leave, but at least it would keep the new ones out, as Arthur was not running a 24-hour shop. Perhaps if he were using the shop to earn money, he would work his ass off, but that was not his case, so he didn't need to keep it open until late.

The last customers inside the store drank for thirty minutes, but no one wanted to leave after they got drunk, pissing Arthur off.