Defending The City of Arkansas (End) The Terrifying Women of Western Gate

---Xena's PoV---

"G-Goblin champions spotted!!! There are dozens of them!!!"

One of the archers on the watchtowers shouted to notify the Madam and the others. A hint of fear is visible on his face as his hand is slightly shaking. It's not that surprising since goblin champions emit a much more powerful and terrifying aura than other goblins. Not to mention before we are not normal goblin champions.

"R-Red goblin champions..." One of the mercenaries on top of the walls uttered in fear.

Not only them, but I could feel a slight shake on my hands as well. It seems that my body still kind of remembers about the time when I got captured by the goblins together with Alina.

I could barely remember it, but I could feel a distinct fear when I saw them approaching. I'm afraid.