The Subjugation Reward (2) The Embarkment

"As what the treasurer had said, the total reward given to you is 3500 gold," (Guildmaster)

(Treasurer? So Lichia is the guild's treasurer as well? No wonder the other guild staff always bows and obediently obey her orders...) (Lyan)

"The guild's staff will help carry them to your carriage or wagon. Do you need escorts to transport them to your safe house? Or do you have no house here yet?" (Guildmaster)

"I'm still staying in an inn, but since I'm going to leave the city soon anyway, I'll be taking all of the gold with me. There will be no need for escorts," Lyan replied decisively.

Looking at the decisive decision Lyan made, the guildmaster let out a small chuckle.

"I see. Then until we meet again, Evocatore. May the god of fortune be with you," (Guildmaster)