The Rumors About The North's Dangers

---The day before Lyan crossed Astellia Kingdom's northern borders---

As Lyan and his companions arrived in the northern city, they were immediately struck by the chill in the air. The half-halfling girl, Tesha, wrapped her cloak tightly around her small frame, shivering despite the warmth of the horse-drawn wagon they had traveled in.

"I can't believe how cold it is up here," she said, her voice quivering.

"It's only going to get colder the further north we go," Lyan replied, his eyes scanning the bustling city streets. "We need to find a place to rest and stock up on supplies before we continue our journey."

He guided the wagon through the crowded streets, searching for a suitable inn or store. The black horse pulling the wagon seemed to sense their need for rest and quickened its pace, as if eager to find shelter from the biting wind.