The Redania Empire (1) The Shortcut

As the wagon walks on with the winter wolves pulling them at considerable speed, the hobgoblin skeletons and goblin champion skeletons continue to escort the wagon and Wilhelmina's unconscious friends that are being carried by some of the skeletons.

Some with the worst injuries got put inside the wagon and got treated by Lyan's holy magic, while three of them got carried by Shadow the aggressive black horse, and the rest of them got carried by the skeletons.

They occasionally got attacked and ambushed by the frost undead along the journey to exit the deadly magical forest of the north, but with Grimclaw's and Hobu's lead on defending the company, the attacking frost undead all got defeated rather easily.

"Master... Do you know that girl or something?" Tesha that had woken up from her sleep uttered as she saw the sight of her master in front of her.

"Hm... Not really," Replied Lyan.