Wilhelmina's Disarray Thoughts


The clash of wooden weapons echoed like thunder in the training ground, each strike reverberating through the air with a resounding thwack. Solia and Wilhelmina danced around each other, their movements fluid and graceful, yet charged with a palpable tension.

They are currently training together at the general training grounds of the city together with the rest of the girls. Lyan is still at his room, so they decided to continue their agenda and Wilhelmina and Solia took the initiative to train the rest of the group.

"Take this!"

Solia lunged forward with a swift thrust of her spear, aiming for Wilhelmina's midsection with deadly accuracy. But Wilhelmina, ever vigilant, sidestepped the attack with lightning reflexes, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she countered with a swift strike of her own.