City of Arkansas (1) The Departure

Lyan urged Shadow onward, the horse's hooves beating a steady rhythm against the snow-covered road. The landscape was a frozen wonderland, filled with snow and ice, characteristic of the Redania Empire's absolute winter. The dense forests surrounding Redania gradually gave way to the rolling, snow-dusted hills and icy plains that led to Arkansas. The biting cold of the night air began to ease slightly as the early dawn crept in, casting the world in a soft, ethereal light.

Despite the breathtaking beauty of the icy scenery, Lyan's mind remained focused and sharp. Every rustle in the frosted bushes and shadow in the distance set his senses on high alert. He knew the path to Arkansas was fraught with dangers, both natural and man-made. His thoughts lingered on Josephine, Belle, Alina, and Xena—the women whose safety he was determined to ensure.