Childhood Friend

"Shit, where's Nana?" Lin ran through wing B, looking for Nana, "It's 11:50 am, the exams start in less than an hour."

"Hey, Lin!" A voice called out from behind Lin.

"Uhm, do I know you?" Lin turned around and saw another student, only she wasn't wearing Laftis' universities uniform, but of Laefter, "You're not from around here huh."

"Well yeah, I went to Laefter Institute but don't you remember me? We went to the same middle school!" She took off her hat and roughed up his brown hair a bit, "Not ringing any bells?"

Lin stared at her, squinting his eyes, "Uh no."

"It's me! Adora!" She put her arms up expecting a hug.

"A..? Adora?" Lin stared at her even more intensely, "Well I'm busy, I'll see you later."

"Wait!" Adora called for Lin as he started running through the halls, "Dam prick forgot who I was."

-----Scene 2-----

Nana placed her orb into her pocket, "Well, I better get going, the exams start soon." Nana waved bye to Anais, "See you there!"

Nana started running down the hall and took a right turn, crashing into Lin, "Ow! Nana!"

"Hey Lin, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to prepare for the exam?" Nana was rubbing her head, "You have a thick head."

"Well I was looking for you, the exam starts in less than an hour." Lin stood up, "C'mon, we should go early." Lin offered a hand, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh I was just gonna ask Jasper about something." Nana stood up, "Guess he's not here." She wiped the dirt off of her skirt, "Hey, do you know what this is." She took out the orb out of her pocket and onto Lin's outstretched hand.

"An orb of revelation? Where did you get this?" Lin kept his hand steady.

"I found it in the trash, anyways, how does someone use it." Nana said sarcastically, "C'mon I want to use it."

"Absolutely not." Lin put the ball in his pocket, "Being caught with a relic of this calibre could result in instant expulsion. It's far too dangerous. I'm keeping it."

"Aw c'mon, its bad manners to steal someone's balls." Nana thought carefully, "I should rephrase that."

"Let's go already."

-----Scene 3-----

"Woah, there's a lot of students here." Lin walked into the forest, a large patch of grass with trees walling it on each side. Students all over the place, "Hey look, it's Leo!" Students were gathered around Leo, asking for autographs, "I want one too, do you want one Nana?"

Nana stood firmly, looking at Leo. "No, I think I'm fine, I'm not a big fan of sorcerers."

"Then why are you here? You are getting your sorcerer license." Lin took Nana's hand, "C'mon let's get an autograph."

"Calm down everyone, these hands can only sign so many." Leo was turning left and right, signing autographs.

"Sign my arm!" An enthusiastic student asked.

"If you say so." Leo grabbed the marker and signed her arm.

"Look, he's doing so many autographs, imagine the amount of coins we'd get if we sold it." Lin's eyes lit up with dollar signs.

"Hey, you two!" Leo pointed at Nana and Lin, "C'mere."

Lin and Nana walked up to Leo, Lin holding a piece of paper excitedly but Nana was sweating nervously, "What if we knew what happened during the eclipse?" Nana thought to herself.

"Mr Leo can I please get an auto graph?" Leo walked past Lin, ignoring him, walking straight towards Nana. Leo was towering over Nana.

"You." Leo pointed his finger at Nana, "You're not human."

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Nana had her hand clenched on her book.

"Hmm... no. Nothing, you just reminds me of diceres I've fought." Leo walked away and towards Lin, "Sorry for ignoring you, here, I'll give you an autograph."

Nana stood behind Leo, scared to move. The pure magic Leo gives off is enough to kill a lion.

"Thank you!" Lin bowed with a giant smirk on his face.

"Students, the exam will be taking place in 5 minutes." The principle said.

"Guess that's my cue, well I'm sorry I couldn't get to know all of y'all, but I'll be keeping an eye on you throughout the exam." Leo disappeared without a trace in a second.

"He's so cool right? What did he say to you?" Lin clenched the autograph.

"Oh nothing, he thought he remembered me." Nana quickly answered.

"Yo yo yo Lin, still don't remember me?" Adora approached Lin.

"Oh yes, cause in the span of a few minutes I suddenly remembered you and your role in my life." Lin said sarcastically.

"Who's the chick?" Adora pointed at Nana, "Aren't you cute?" Adora offered a handshake to Nana.

Nana reluctantly shook her hand, "Always love your childhood friends huh, Lin."

Lin looked at Nana and mouthed the words "I don't know her." without making a sound.

"Well, we'll all be split into groups of fives, can I join your team?" Adora pleaded with Lin, "I'll make you remember me." Adora winked and placed her hand on Lin's arm.

"Always love the casual seduction." Nana said quietly.

"W...well... uh sure, we still need 2 more people." Lin stuttered.

"Nana!" A familiar voice called out from behind Nana, "It's me! Jasper! I heard you were looking for me!" Nana turned around and saw Jasper charging fully towards Nana, giving her a big hug, "Oh I've missed you guys."

"I've barely known you for 3 days, but good to see you're fine." Nana hugged Jasper back, not wanting to mention his brother, "Hey, have you seen Anais? We could make a team of 5 with him."

"Uh, yeah, Anais is right behind me." Jasper turned around and saw Anais was missing, "Or not. Whatever, he'll come back soon. Anyway, what is it that you wanted me to see?"

"Oh nothing." Nana quickly replied.

"Well, I guess we better find this friend of yours and and start the first trial." Lin said.

"Ahem. All students, attention." The principle spoke into an orb that amplified his voice, "The official 734th Wizarding License Exam will begin shortly."

"Anais!" Jasper called out, "We need you!"

"He's literally right here." Nana tapped on Jasper shoulder and he turned around, seeing Anais awkwardly waving at him.

"Oh, well that makes our party full. The first trial will require team work. We'll be given 3 hours to collect 10 different herbs that are scattered around the forest. The forest is riddled with monsters like goblins and slimes, so be wary. There are a total of 20 teams, but only 13 will be able to pass through to the second trial. This is not a test on speed so make sure you get the right herbs and we'll meet up. The signal for meeting up will be a fireball fired towards the sky." Jasper explained.

"So what are we doing?" Adora was looking at her nails.

"Run, herbs, goblins, fire ball. Get it?" Nana looked at her disappointingly.

"Sure." Adora went back to fixing her hair.

"Your childhood friend is amazing." Nana said sarcastically at Lin.

"I don't know her." Lin said slowly and exagerrating his mouth.

"Well, I think that's a pretty fail-proof plan." Anais added.

"Well, there is one issue." Jasper pointed out, "There are herbs that are identical to each other, you're only able to point them out based on extensive knowledge. So we'll only do 2 herbs for each person." Jasper picked up a stick and drew a leaf, "This is poisonous. When it has a little hooked end, it's most likely poisonous."

"Students! Please make your way towards the starting point! There will be a countdown of 30 seconds, after which, the barriers will be lifted and the students are allowed to leave. However, there will be a one minute grace period after the barriers are lifted, meaning the use of magic is not allowed. After the minute, all magic will be allowed and fighting is allowed. The only rule that will get you disqualified is the killing of another student. With that said, good luck on the 734th Wizarding License Exam." The principle explained.

"Well, I guess this is it. We'll all split off and meet again when the signal is fired." Jasper looked at all of us, "Good luck."

"Three... two... one... LET THE TRIALS BEGIN!"