
"Woah!" Lin woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat. He feels the ground shaking, like an earthquake. Even though Laftis isn't located next to any tectonic plates, the whole entire campus is shaking. 

There's a red light piercing through the window on Nana's side. He climbs down the bed and walks towards the window. He slowly makes his way to the window, cautiously. He stops at the window, placing his hand over his mouth. "What the f-" 

The entire sky turned a blood red.


"Kids, stand back, it's going to be a rough day at the office." Citrus took a small white packet from her pocket. 

"Acie! What are you doing?" Ruka is standing behind Citrus, her hands balled up into fists.

"RUKA! LEAVE!" Citrus snapped at Ruka, ordering her to leave. Ruka swallowed her saliva. 

"Let's go." Ruka grabbed Dante's hand, dragging him away.