Radio Silence

"You haven't heard a thing from Laftis in hours yet right?" A man is standing upright in the middle of a moving plane. 

"Yes, sir." Another man responds, sitting down on a seat holding a laptop. He had short hair combed to the side and wore rectangular glasses and a suit, he was typing away on a laptop. 

"Are we ready yet?" The man asks the pilot. The pilots turns around and gives him a thumbs up, signifying the jump. The man smiles and slowly walks towards the end of the plane, his hands folded. He wore a compression shirt with a suit vest over his shirt, exagerrating his already absurds muscle. He stood tall at an outrageous seven foot six inches, towering over all of his enemies. He wore a necklace with what looked like a small shard of a dicere's orb and he also wore glasses, his long hair falling gently on them as it parted in the middle. 

"Are you sure you want to do this, Banks?" The man in the suit asks him.