I jump with the jerk that jolts through my body and try to sit up in alarm, failing epically as heaviness pulls me back down. Confused, dazed and realising I'm topless, just in a bra and Alexi is yanking my wet trousers down my legs. I have no clue where the hell I am as I was just sitting in his car thirty seconds ago and I don't know how I even got in here.
I'm so out of it, it's like I am on something, wondering if he would drug me to be compliant and remember I never took anything from him to get this way. It must be the fever hitting me full blown as I am so out of whack I am practically walking on clouds.
I seem to be on the bed of the apartment I have been staying in. Mico is setting up a tray by my bed with an assortment of fluids and medicines before switching on the TV on the wall behind him. I have no idea which reality I just woke up in where Carrero men are bedside nurses and Alexi is willingly looking after me.