Chapter 1 : True Love is Being Defeated by Nosiness

Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't go forward or back? You

wanted to go left but there was a mad dog. Then you wanted to go right but it was a

dead end. That situation is like where I am now when I saw that red colored box

being handed to me and that boy at the same time.

The man in front of me smiled. His face and body don't look bad at all. In other words, he is also handsome. But I can notice that he he is gay from his stance, and he comes here to confess me his feelings. His manly face with a girly heart sends the

sweet words to me. As for me, I am like a polite child who doesn't know how to

refuse so I accepted his gift.

"What's the matter, Tine Teepakorn from the Faculty of Law? I like you very


"Urmm..." I turned to face my friends to ask for help. But these three people, one

by one, pretended to call someone.

"Umm... So..."

"So what, Tine Teepakorn from the Faculty of Law?"

Hey, my name is not the Great Wall of China so you don't need to call me fully like

that. Come on!.

"I... I don't like boys. I like girls." I quickly raised my voice.

"It's okay. Things like that can change." He answered firmly.

"But I already have someone I like."

"Who is that?"

"You do not need to know." Of course the reason behind me avoiding the

question is because I don't know whose name I should use. After all, I have not

received approval from any of them. What if the owner of this cake box brought

troops to slap the name of the person I dragged?

I tried to glance at the corner of the building and saw my male leads cheering.

Everyone's face looks very excited. I didn't know how they got involved with this

from the start.

"I do not care who you like because I think I can still compete with anyone." He

cried with confidence.

But even so I didn't answer it, I had to keep my image calm.

"I even had an ex whose girlfriend was the campus star in the Faculty of Medicine,

but I still managed to steal him from her. See? I told you I'm pretty good." Where

does this confidence come from? Should I be proud of you? Ahhh...

"But still..." I interrupted the conversation quickly.

"Then think again."


"I can do all styles! I can do it in bed or in front of the balcony. Wherever you

want, I will be fine."


"My ex-lovers also say that I'm very good."

"Then why don't you continue dating your exes?"

"If we're still dating, can that be called an ex?"

I'm really messed up...

"You really gave me a good first impression. Tine Teepakorn from the Faculty of

Law, I will make you continue to see me."

"No... That's totally unnecessary."

"One day, you will definitely accept me and like me!"

"..." I couldn't say anything nor do anything. All I could do was swallow my own

saliva, and give a weary smile.

"Oh yeah! My name is Green from the Faculty of Anthropology. I have liked you

since the orientation period. You are very cute when you play games at that time."

Then his phone rang. He quickly answered the phone in loudspeaker mode.

[How is it? How is it?]

"He is really handsome! After seeing him up close, I can see that he is really



After the person named Green left, I could hear cheers from my friends who were

not close but not far away. They look at me with such enthusiasm as if they are

waiting for the results of an exam that they studied. Even though nothing

happened, my tongue felt stiff. I can't even say no right away except to just stand


"Tine, are you all right?" Wow! Earlier, they pretended to call someone and now,

these bastards are acting as if they are concerned about me. I want to clap my

hands for their acting skills, but I just sit quietly.


My phone rings. Just by listening to the sound, I can guess that it's a notification from Facebook. To get out of the shock, I immediately took my phone and

opened it. And the result...

Green Snackkiki sent a friend request.


" Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you quiet?"

"Tine, are you all right?"

"Being followed by someone like that, do you think I'll be okay? You bastards!"

Three days later.

It took several days from my swollen heart to return back to normal. Many people

like me, and that's a fact. But this is the first time a boy has come to me and

expressed his feelings. I had goosebumps all over my body everytime I think about

it. I'm not saying that I don't like this, but I just feel that it doesn't suit me.

He confessed his love to me. He is actually not that bad. At first glance, he looks

handsome. But when he walked away, his ass was swaying like a girl. He will

definitely act like a girl when he wears clothes for girls. I can clearly remember that

day and it still loomed over me. I might not be able to sleep tonight because I am

afraid that his shadow might come up in my dreams.

But it's okay. Things like this can still be controlled as long as I will not care about

him. No matter what kind of bullet he uses, there won't be a way that I will like

him. I also did not accept his friend request on Facebook.

He must have been prepared for something beforehand, so there is nothing to

worry about. I'm ready to go through life with my cool chic style. But...

"Tine, do you have tissue with you? If not, Green will take it for you."

Wait a minute, he doesn't even have manners anymore. He continued to follow me

like a ghost, even in the toilet. I don't know where his confidence came from but

he even called my name very intimately. I'm numb.

"No need." I answered briefly and turned my head to walk away. But he still followed me.

"Will Tine urinate or defecate?"

"You don't need to worry about that, okay?" I do not want to talk like a girl. I

immediately rushed to the toilet and solved my personal problems. But this damn

Green is still following me. He even sneaked his head to check on me. I feel like

I'm getting cornered.

"I told you not to bother me! What the hell? With that kind of attitude, it will make

me hate you even more."

"Then I'll wait for you outside."

"Go away! Don't you have a class?" I piss while cursing in panic.

"I come to you when I have free time."

"No need! You don't need to come anymore."

"Then, I'll see you later this evening!"

"I told you it's not necessary! I don't like you. I already like someone else."

"Who is that?"

"You don't need to know, okay? Don't bother me anymore."



"Then see you tomorrow!"

Holy shit! This is more difficult than the girls I've dated. Is he Green Leachkiki


Because I can't stand what Green has done, I told my friends about what happened

these past three days. Actually, they already knew and had witnessed the scene of

me being chased by a sissy man even though I didn't complain to them. It's just

that on this day, everything has exploded. The patience that I endured has been


"Don't stress yourself too much, we will help you." Fong tapped my shoulder.

Everyone helped to find a girl for me to talk to online. Our target should be a

beautiful, rich, and a famous girl. That way, Green Snackkiki won't chase me


"Found one?"

"I found a few, but they all have boyfriends."

"Do you want to consider seniors?" Ohm asked.

"That's fine. It seems like I don't have any choice."

We continued our search. We sat under a big tree and chatted with some girls and

tried to ask for their Line ID, but it was quite difficult. We also send friend requests on Facebook and try to set an eyeball.

I also made a plan; I'm actually looking for a beautiful girl from the same

university. It is like hitting two birds with one stone. Getting rid of Green Snackiki

and at the same time, having a girlfriend.

"Ohm, did you find one?" Fifteen minutes have passed. We already checked all

social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , Line, and Btalk.

Let's see...

"Didn't I tell you to call me Pope? Why do you keep on forgetting!"

"Oh! I'm sorry. Then have you found anything for me, Pope?" There was a strange

feeling when I called him that word.

"Try asking Mario, I haven't had any progress yet."

"Mario, how about you?" Fong raised his face from the cellphone screen and

looked at me as if he was looking for my mistake.

"I'm chatting with my girlfriend."

I turned to Peuk..

"James Ji..."

"No! No need to ask. Wait a minute, I'm still replying to the comments on my page


These bastards! Are they really helping me? Fong is busy chatting with his

girlfriend and Peuk is busy replying to comments on his web page. Even if I

chatted with them, they might just nod their heads.

Oh! I forgot that I still didn't tell you guys about their biography, right? Well... so,

let's take a break before figuring the problem out. My gangster has four handsome

boys: Peuk, Ohm, Fong and me.

Peuk is an admin on Facebook's page 'Must Try Restaurant that Food Doesn't

Taste Good but It's Cheap." This damn page writes the reviews about foods

around here. The main purpose is 'low price', even some are kinda bad in taste. At

first, I was really curious if anyone would like his page. Surprisingly, there are more than one hundred fifty thousand members on that page. I felt sorry for him when I

underestimated his page before.

Ohm, our celebrity with thousands of followers. He likes to imagine himself as the

hottest guy who has a nice appearance like Pop, Thai popular actor. People like

him because of his trendy hairstyle and outfit. He is always the talk of the town on

cute boys websites because he looked like one of the casts in an on-going boys love


Then there's Fong or 'Mario'. In addition to helping her mother sell gold during

holidays, he has a possessive girlfriend and they started dating since grade ten.

Now, they are undergoing a long distance relationship because they are in different


Ten minutes had passed...

Everyone is busy with their own businesses but I invite them to start discussing my

issue again.

"Friends..." I started talking after thinking about finding the easiest solution.


"I will call Numnim."

She is one of the exes I had before. The reason we broke up is because we don't

know what to eat when we went to have dinner before.

Since she is studying at the same university as mine, it will be easy for me to

contact her. I am pretty sure that the atmosphere has changed and we have no feelings for each other now. I know that she doesn't have a boyfriend yet because we keep on seeing each other accidentally. Not only that, she is a senior cheerleader. In that case, I am sure that Green can't side by side with her. Although our attitude is still not fit for each other, I think Numnim is sympathetic and will help get me out of this prison.

Yes... at least just be a fake lover.

"Have you thought about it thoroughly, Nadech?"

"Pope, please... Can we call each other by our real names? I think I'll have high

blood pressure right now."

And shortly after that I finally found Numnim and I explained to her what is

happening. Everything seems perfect but it turns out that she just got a new boyfriend. Therefore, I have to tell her new boyfriend that we aren't really dating, just to pretend that we are dating.

What the heck, I'm getting dizzy!

Finally, everything was settled smoothly. We agreed to help each other until that

Green leech with a high-pitched voice from the Faculty of Anthropology vanishes

from my life. And when that time comes, I will immediately return this sweet

Numnim to his boyfriend so that they can become a perfect partner.

Finally Green's removal period began...

Although the welcoming ceremony for new students has passed, there are still big

events that have been long awaited by the students of the first semester. That is...

the Freshy Night.

Everyone entered the hall to find a seat. All students gathered here from juniors to

seniors, and even professors and outsiders. This clear feeling of suffocation makes

people feel difficult to breathe due to the number of people inside.

Tonight will be a fun night not just because of the campus star and moon competition, but also a campus queen election event. There is also a school band performance to hype up the crowd later.

Of course, me and my male leads should join this big party. Seated on my left is

Peuk, and to my right is my fake girlfriend Numnim. The two heads in front of me

are Fong and Ohm, and sitting behind me is Steven, my classmate, actually his real

name is Dom.

"Now is the time for you to witness the talent competition of this year's Stars and

Moons of your faculty. Are you ready?" The emcee spoke on a microphone.


"If you are ready, let's all welcome them on stage!"


The crowd seems very interested in this competition because of their screams and

cheers. As for me and my friends, we just sat quietly to watch. Some cheered when representatives from the Faculty of Law stepped on the stage.

Actually, I should be the one standing in there now. It's just that the seniors said

that the dinosaur's face was brighter than mine so they chose him over me.

I also deliberately did not participate for fear that the Green will create an evil plan.

So, it's a good thing for me as well.

The first performance began immediately and all performances continued without

interruption for two hours. Many times I look to the right and to the left with

pandangan vigilant, what if Green of the Department of Anthropology suddenly

appeared. But fortunately it did not happen. And my job is to take care of my ex-

girlfriend, or fake girlfriend now.

"Thirsty?" I asked the Numnim.

"Umm, a little."

"Then drink this." I gave the water bottle in my hand.

"No. I only drink mineral water now."

"I am too lazy to get out." To be honest, it's hard to get out in a crowd like this.

"Forget it." Her answer made me feel very guilty.

"What brand do you want to drink?"

"It's okay. I want to go to the bathroom and will stop to buy a drink. Do you think

it is better for me to go left or right?" She makes a face like a confused person

again and it made me freak out again, just like before.

"To the right, there seem to be fewer people."

"Right? Initially, I wanted to go left."

"Then it's up to you."

"But because you said to go to the right. Then I will go to the right," then she

straightened her body.

"Okay. Be careful."

"Hmm... But I think I'll go left." Fine! Just go wherever you want to go. Follow

your heart's calling.

She is really indecisive. I may sound like a bad man but fortunately, we broke up a

long time ago.

After almost thirty minutes, Numnim returned to sit next to me and brought a

water bottle with the same brand as the bottle brand that I had offered before.

How can that be called buying mineral water now? This is fraud. Is this what

cheating is? In this situation, it's really an eyesore.

The same thing applies to performances on stage, as if they were forced to dance

and sing. If it were me, I would show an alternative dance and make all the girls faint.

"Tineee!" That sound....

"Damn it! Let's move quickly and cover me. Don't let him get close!" I can't avoid

it anymore. My mortal enemy is finally here. Luckily, I am with my friends and they

all stood forward to protect me.

"James, hold my hand. Mario don't let go of my grip. Nadech, rest assured you will

be fine." Son of a bitch! This is not a joke, why so extra?

"Are you making shields with your friends again?"

"What did you come for? Go to your own faculty there."

Green is still trying to come near me. Until he finally managed to sit behind Steven.

It's amazing, he lifted a stone and hit his own foot.

"I want to see you! I haven't seen your face all day. And by the way, who is the girl

sitting next to you?" I immediately nudged Numnim's elbows and asked her to lift

her head and face the person sitting in the back now.

"Is that him?" Numnim tried to guess.

"Why is Numnim sitting here?"

"P'Green..." my fake girlfriend made a surprised voice. Damn! He knew this toot!

"You know each other?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes! She's my classmate's girlfriend. Hihi." Green answered.

I really hate this round earth.

"Why are you sitting here?" Green asked Numnim .

"I just..." My ex-girlfriend turned to me, asking what she should do. My friends just

released their stupid faces. This is difficult to understand. After all, why should I be

afraid of him?

The two of them know each other, then this lie won't work. Looks like I have to

make a new plan again.

"She's my ex-boyfriend."

"Hahaha! Tine, is Numnim your ex-girlfriend? That means I still have a chance!"


"Because when I took my ex-lover from his ex-girlfriend, she was way much

prettier than Numnim."

"Aahhhhhh..." My ex-girlfriend cried and screamed, at the same time, the emcee appeared announcing that there would be a band to perform before the last part of

the competition continued.

"Please welcome on the stage, the SSSS.... band!"

What kind of band is that? Why do they name their band with such a weird name?

I was a little distracted but when they started playing the drums, I immediately did

not care about what's happening around me. Even my friends returned to their


I got excited because their opening song is from my favorite band, Scrubb. Even

with just the drums, I can already tell what song is that.

"Hello everybody!"


The vocalist's voice through the microphone echoed throughout the hall. The

camera began to shine into everyone's faces - from the main vocalist, bassist, drummer and guitarist.

"Passed by, looked through the strangers, over and over. *1*

Feeling the same, like the same.

Trying to look into my memories, all these memories, and me.

Just me, like the same, like these old days."

Now the singer's face appeared on the screen and his face looked so happy. Like

the people around me, I waved my hands up and sang together. In fact, I had

forgotten that Green was sitting next to me and shamelessly putting his hand near

my lower part. Just wait you motherfucker. When this song is over, I will break

your head.

"A day, a month, a year goes by,

But someone's gonna make them meaningful."

The back part of the stage is a little bit dark. Nobody noticed that the guitarist was

standing in there. But when the entire stage was lit up, the camera immediately

highlighted the guitarist's face and it appeared on the screen. Suddenly, the crown

became hysterical with their screams.

"Ahhhhhh!" The audience shouted .

"Someone has changed everything,

Someone makes me laugh, though misery comes.

Just you, who changed my love forever."

"Wow, he's very handsome!"

"Who is he? He is very perfect! Ahhhh!"

"No reason, no explanation.

Just because we are meant to be together."

" Aahhhhh!"

The people up on the stage sang and the people below shouted. Cameraman, I think

that's enough. Why do you keep on focusing the camera lens at him for so long?

When the lyrics "Just because we are meant to be together" at the last part sounded

in tune with the accompaniment of the guitar, everybody in the hall shouted in


To be honest, the face of this guitarist is much better looking than all this year's

campus moon candidates.

Until the song ended, all the girls continued to scream in their hoarse voices. I'm

sure tomorrow strepsils will run out in a flash. Even Green, who always chases and

says he likes me, is dying because he is too excited.

"Thank you very much, Krab!" The main vocalist bowed his head to thank

everyone but his voice was far less than the cry of the first year girls who were


"Introduction! Introduction! Introduction!" You guys are too obvious. You just

want to know the name of the guitarist.

Yes, only the handsome one. Uhm... I admit that he was indeed very handsome.

"We are the Ssss band. We are the winner of last year's music festival band

competition. My name is Tum, I am the lead vocalist and I am currently in my

third year."

The sound of applause is loud.

"Then, to my left is Dun, he's a bassist. He's in his second year. Behind him playing

the keyboard is Ken, he's from the third year. And the drummer is Sil, he's also

from his third year. And the lastly..."

"Aaahhhhhh!" The camera turned into panic. I think the cameraman must have

had an intention with the guitarist. Yes, it's not the guitarist's fault either, if the

cameraman only highlights his face. The cheers are more intense than before.

"Introduction! Introduction!" The crowd is really interested in him.

"Actually, our guitarist is in his fourth year. But there was a little accident today so

he couldn't come. So we invited a special guitarist to replace him. He is a first year

student just like you guys."

"Same as ours? Aaahhhhh!" The girls next to me shouted increasingly. Looks like

they really want to know who he is.

"Then let's listen to the sound." The main vocalist handed the microphone to the

guitarist, making everyone wait happily.

The problem is, why does it seem like I am interested in hearing his voice as well?

"Hello." The warm voice that came out caused several people to scream nonstop.

As for me, I could not stop looking at him. His voice makes my heart flutter,

exactly the same as P'Meuay's voice from the band Scrubb. This is the type of sound I like.

Most importantly, I think he is a shy person. It could be noted that he continued to

avoid the camera all the time.

"I'm just an apprentice guitarist who is helping my seniors, that's all. Maybe in the

future I won't go up on stage anymore. So I won't introduce myself. I hope

everyone will be happy tonight."

"Hmm... What?"

"Can't you talk a little more?" Green quickly jumped and shouted.

Well it looks like this bastard is interested in him. If that's the case, I feel sorry for

the girls in the hall.

After they finished performing, the band members immediately got off the stage.

But I guess everybody has a photo of him on their mobile phones. I was just so

distracted that I forgot to do that.

Tonight, I am very happy because I can finally escape from Green even in less than

five minutes. If only I can, I want the Ssss band to perform a little longer so they

can suck the soul of this caveman leech.

People began to disperse after the announcement of the winners of the

competition. This year, the Faculty of Engineering won the Moon title, as usual.

Whereas the Star title was won by the Faculty of Medicine.

"Tine, I've been thinking of ways to help you." The next day around eight in the

morning during English class, Peuk withdrew to show me a solution.

I, who was sitting in a chair, immediately turned around and asked my friend with


"Is that so? How?"

"Look at this. Actually this is a suggestion from Ohm and I've thought about it

thoroughly." His rough and moist hand picked up his phone. On the screen

appeared a photo that had been liked by 200,000 people. It is a photo of the

guitarist last night.

"Huh? What do you want me to do with him?"

"Since last night, the anonymous guitarist has become the talk of the town. He is

so popular that most people visit the 'Cute Boy' page just to know him. Did you

check it?"

Then I looked back at the cellphone screen and read the comments left by the

people on the page. Wow... Seriously, do they have to leave this many comments?

'Looking for a guitarist from last night's show.'


Please donate his photos if you could take them.'

'Admin, do you know the list of people who used guitars on the show last night? I want to know what his name is? And which faculty is he from? Ah! I can't sleep well. Why does he have to be so handsome?'

'Admin tell me who is the guitarist from last night's show! Who is he! I will come to kill him.

Right now my girlfriend is getting crazy about looking for information about him.'


Thank you for sharing the latest photos from the program last night. Aaah really jealous of the girls from the second year of class for being a staff member last night.'

And there are about 80,000 comments posted on that page. So much that it made

me lazy to read it. Can you believe it? Even an Admin from a page like this alone can't answer questions about people who played the guitar last night. I guess

people are busy looking for it now. But how can he help me solve my problem

with Green?

"Umm... He is indeed handsome. But what does it have to do with me?"

"Listen, this kind of person is the right person to help you. Good girls are hard to

find. Your ex-girlfriends whom you praise for being beautiful doesn't work

anymore. I don't think Green will stop following you now."

"Please don't say that."

"That's right. He is the best option there is. He is the fucking standard! Make him

your boyfriend so that Green will feel neglected. Besides, no one in the whole

campus dares to touch that guy!" Fong added.

"But he is a guy." I hit Fong's head hard. Trying to get rid of a man by looking for

another man who is more good looking than me? I can't accept that.

"So what if he's a guy? Do you understand the word 'standard'?"

"What do you mean by that? I don't even know his name. You certainly don't

know either. Then you asked me to tell Green? What if he doesn't believe me?" A

second later Ohm stuck his head out to discuss many things.

"Damn! I am Pope, a social media celebrity. I can easily find details about him. It

all depends on whether you cooperate or not."

"Now that we have reached this point, can I still make a choice?" If I had to trade

everything to get rid of that Green Snackkiki , I would do everything.

Thirty minutes had passed...

"Here, someone has a clue about the guitarist." Ohm is still busy surfing the

timeline, not letting go. He also nodded to ask me to open the 'Cute Boy' page.

Finally, the source is here!

The admin posted pictures.That was the picture of the guitarist last night. I don't

know where they got the file, but the photo is attached with the description...

The Famous Cute Boy Association

Try going home and hunting. He is a student from the Faculty of Political Science whose name is

still unknown. Who knows? Please pass it on. I think everyone at school is crazy about this person

- Admin Moe

And now, here comes the massive number of likes on this post. Four thousand

within ten minutes. Holy Mother!

There are many comments but no one knows who he is, until...

I found him! Ahhh! He is a Political Science major. I saw him with his name tag right in front of the building! Oh my God my hands are shaking!!!'

The owner of the comment posted a picture. Precisely the face of the man who

played the guitar on the stage last night. He wore a student uniform and looked

very serious. It is important because the name tag made many people flock to

comment until making this page had experienced a server down.


Is that his name?

'Oh my Gosh! I really wanna be in jail right now. Just want to be caught by him.'

'My husband ... Your wife is here.'

'My soulmate #TeamSarawatWives'

This has become a hot topic throughout the campus. They are nonstop talking

about... #TeamSarawatWives.

But there is a comment on the page from someone with a photo of Inter Milan

football as his profile photo:

"Sarawat is a close friend of mine , he doesn't have Facebook, he doesn't have IG, he also doesn't have Twitter. It's important for you to know that he doesn't like being the center of attention. So he asked me to talk to the Admin of this page to immediately delete his photo."

WOW! I'm raising you a white flag now. Such a confident man!

Right after school at three o'clock in the afternoon, me and my gang walked from

the faculty of Law to the Faculty of Political Science because our building was

close to each other.

Maybe there are still many of you who are wondering how is Sarawat's photo on

the 'Cute Boy' page. Yes, everything has disappeared. But the things that people

knew about Sarawat is that his father has a high rank in police, that's why his family

name is kind of widely known.

Hearing this, I had hope of getting rid of Green so easily with his help.

I also think that asking for help from Sarawat will be too damaging to the brain.

But because of the pressure from James Ji , Pope, and Mario, I think I have no

choice but to ask him.

"I don't think he is still here."

"I checked a while ago, his class will finish at four."

"Then why did you make me wait here for almost an hour?"

"Just in case. What if the class finishes faster? You might lose your chance."

"I don't think this will work. Try to look there." I lifted my chin and pointed at the

girls sitting at the bottom of the Science building. They all wear uniforms from other faculties, not the uniforms of the Faculty of Political Science. Isn't this clear that their purpose is related to Sarawat?

"Come on. Don't think too much."

"I don't want to think too much but I can't help it!"

"Anyway, just ask for his help. Now, sit down and wait."

"I'm getting tired now. My legs can't support my body." Godammit! This is not

right, I have to wait for an hour. But fortunately, a group of students had started to

leave the classroom.

"Sarawat is here! Ahhh!" The girls who had been waiting had hurriedly ran after

Sarawat, who were 185cm tall, making it almost impossible for them to see his

face. As for me, I can only look at him helplessly.

"Where is Sarawat going?"

"Back to my dorm." I saw his tall body, trying to escape but could not because he

was surrounded by girls.

"I bought a cake for you."

"Sarawat you are so nice. Please play guitar for school events."

"If there is a chance. Can I be excused? I have to go now.." He is still trying to

escape from the crowd.

"Does Sarawat have a girlfriend?"



Hey! Can I come in and talk to him? His fans have made all this out of control.

Until my friends helped me by pushing me forward.

"Hey! Sa-ra-leo!"

"Sorry, I mean... Sarawat!" After speaking, he turned to look at me. Then I began

to talk to him.

"Can I talk to you?"

"What do you want to talk about?" His voice is so deep.

"Um... I..." I am really nervous right now that all I can do is to look at him.

He has a lot of fans right here. How should I say this now...

"What's the matter? I'm in a hurry right now."

"Um... Can you..." Damn! How should I say this? But I could finish talking, he

interrupted me with his Muey-like voice...

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll kiss you until you drop. You're


Then he left. He left me alone standing here alone in the middle of his fans.


Hey! Don't disrespect me like this! Come back! You cock! Sa-la-wad!


*1* คู่กัน Koo Gun (Together) : Scrubb