Chapter 9 : Alcohol

I think fate has bound Sarawat and I to be together. Even when we're in the music club, we still chat intimately.

"Did you eat the cake?" I asked.

"I ate it... It's delicious." He answered with his usual deadpan face.

"I don't think that's delicious."

"Umm. I think that's not delicious." Huh? What?

"Do you think there is something strange between us?"

That's right... We're not the same as before. It's different from the first time we talked to each other in this music room.

"Yeah, I think so."

"So, how do we deal with this kind of strange something between us?"

"No need to do anything. Staying like this is good right now."

Sarawat and I sat cross-legged in a truly tragic position, very hopeless, because we're separated by Green. He sat between us and tried to squeeze us three together. I don't know what this is, and I really want to disappear from here.

"Can you please let go of my arm? Or Do you want me to kick you to make you understand?" I said while turning to encounter him.

"Tine! Do you dare to do that to your wife?"

"One..." As I started to count, Green looked horrified. But still, there was no intention of him letting go of my arm. He even held Sarawat's arm at the same time. So what now? Are you a parasite wrapped in a tree?

"Tine, are you really going to do that to me? I bought you cake!"


"Even though you said that the cake is not good, I know you like it. Right, Wat?"



The shrill sound of one hundred million decibels made the people in the room immediately turn their heads to look at me when I stood up and prepared to kick him. This monkey started running around the room to find sympathy from people to support him. Son of a bitch.

"Stop! This is a music room, not a playground. What are you doing?" When an angry voice from the club president P'Dim spoke, all movements immediately stopped. Me and Green are both ready to be kicked out of the club.

" P'Dim..."

"What are you doing, Green? Remember what I told you?"

"Behave and sit quietly..."

"So are you sitting still?"

Seeing that Green would open his mouth to answer, Disathat scolded him again. As for me, I ran away in a confusing manner. Maybe, Green did horrible things from his previous life. So P'Dim became his senior at the club as punishment.

"Return to your seats, everyone! To all sophomores here, if some freshmen are annoying, I allow you to kick them out." He left after saying that, leaving a frightening cold feeling even colder than Lord Voldemort.

Sarawat and I practiced in different groups. Beginners still have a lot to learn. Prae couldn't come to the club today because she said that something was happening in the medical school so I don't know who to interact with. There's only Green who is ready to give himself fully to me.

"Try to play the intro of this song. This song is easy. It only has four chords." P'Air rules everyone. As for me, after starting to get to know the guitar for a while and having a good teacher like Sarawat, my skills finally improved.

"Tine..." While I'm concentrating on playing, Green interrupted me.

"What? Do you want to be scolded by P'Dim again?"

"What's the relationship between you and Sarawat?"

"Not your business."

"Do you guys really like each other?"

"Even if I say I like him, I know you won't believe me. So whether I like him or not, I still don't like you. Okay?" It may make him sad but it's better to talk and deal with him like this.

"That's fine. I can still accept if I will become your mistress."

Damn it! What was he thinking? From now on, I will not show mercy again. "Green, please change your mind."

"No way."

"Then shut up and don't cause trouble. Can't you see? Other people are paying attention to the guitar."

"Okay. But why is Sarawat staring at you?"


"Is that what you call paying attention?"

At that moment, I immediately looked at the person who was sitting with his friends in the corner of the room. And just like Green said, Sarawat's eyes are really fixed at me. Therefore, the cool Tine had to send back a special signal in response by raising my middle finger.

But the person who received it only responded with a smile. If you play with idiots, you will definitely become an idiot too. "Tine, focus."

"Yes." In the end, I had to get rid of the crap out of my head and turn my attention to playing the guitar.

In my opinion, university life is free, and there are lots of activities to do. As for the classes, it focuses on just the basic subjects like English and Thai for the freshmen students. So this semester, I've only got two classes. I feel so relaxed.

I am also a student who is quite active and I enjoyed a lot of activities. In fact, I don't want to be a sophomore because they always complain and cry and pray about everything.

The training lasts for one hour until the senior gives us time to rest for fifteen minutes. After that short break, we continued to practice again. I usually spend two hours a day in this music room. After that, I find something to eat. On weekends, I go out with my gang.

"To all freshmen, I have something to announce." After the first five minutes of our break, a senior opened the door and entered the room suddenly.

"What is wrong?" Someone said.

"It's been several weeks since you guys joined the club. So, I am afraid that you will forget about your evaluation."

Disaster is coming. I hate this!

"Remember when you recorded the clip? You need to do that again. But this time, you will be paired together. You have to cover a song then send it to P'Dim. We will leave a comment, and if someone doesn't meet our standards, they have to practice one more hour every day!"

"Come on! I'm still bad at it!"

"Arrrgh!" The words of the person standing in front of the room had just ended. Every corner of the room is filled with complaints from first years. It is really tragic for someone who doesn't have a background, like us. Where is justice?

Should I call Prae? Maybe we can be partners and play the birthday song. "The one who gets the highest score will have a prize."

"We don't want it."

"So, do you want to be kicked instead?" After a while, the president, Disathat, is being harsh again. Godammit! He never sympathized with his juniors. He is an evil human being.


"Why are you complaining? No crying here. Please send the video the day after tomorrow." I really hate his nature. He then walked out while shaking his ass, ignoring the beginners who are panicking now. But there's only one guy who doesn't panic at all...

"Don't panic." He is so prudent and calm.

"We can do it!"

In addition, he is the motivator of the group. Do you know who that is? "We won't give up! Nothing in this world is difficult! Nothing can beat us!"

...That's Green... Babbling nonstop...

"Guys, I suggest that you should choose a partner who has skills in playing the guitar so you guys can help each other if there's something wrong. The freshmen will have to practice with the juniors and seniors." P'Air gave advice for a long reason. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Tine, who's gonna be your partner?"

"None of your business, Green. Go find your partner."

"I will pair up with Sarawat."

Huh? I immediately widened my eyes.

"Why are you so shocked? Okay, I will pair up with Earn then." After saying that. He quickly ran to find the owner of the name he just mentioned.

Earn was a new member who joined the club with Green. But because she has a background with guitars, she was in another group. Moreover, all the guys here like to flirt with her.

I think Earn is like a boyish girl, a rare item. Unfortunately, she is not my type because I like girls with big boobs and a pretty face like a doll.

"P'Air, Prae is not here today. What should she do?" I asked my senior after everyone scattered to find a partner.

"If anyone has no partner, that person will pair up with Prae."

"But there are still a lot of people in our group. She must have a partner now." I want to pair up with her, that's why I am bugging P'Air.

"Noted. She will pair up with Jaeng." Eh?! "Well, then, I will ask my friends over there."


I hopelessly walked to that group in the corner to find a partner.

"Sarawat, do you have a partner?" He then looked at me. He was just sitting cross- legged while writing something that is not important. I can say that he is just pretending to be busy so that nobody will approach him.

"At first, I was with Earn. But now I have no partner." "Then, can you be my partner?"


"Sarawat, are you listening?"

"Umm. I'm just waiting for you to ask me to be your partner."

"Hey... I'm shy." I muttered in a very irritated tone. Godammit! Why do I feel shy all of a sudden?

"Oh my God! I'm still staring at you. I'm still here. And I still like you, Tine." Green suddenly interrupted, making the stiff-faced Sarawat scratch his head. I immediately left. I do not want to deal much with people like Green. What if he abuses me all of a sudden? Damn. My heart...


At night, my phone rang while I was happily playing a game. Curiosity rose little by little when one of my 'Male Leads', Fong, called. This is weird because usually, he won't call at this time because he only talks to his girlfriend every night.

I didn't want to think that much so I picked up the phone and listened.

"What's up? Looks like..." Before I could finish my sentence, he immediately cut me.

[Waaaaaah! Tine!]

"Fong, what's wrong? Why do you sound like crying?" I asked worriedly but he did not say anything. All I can hear are sobs from the other line. I have to wait for him to calm down before asking more questions. As a friend, I will support him and won't care about the phone bill.

"Fong? What's wrong?"

[Tine, I'm brokenhearted.]

"Shit. Really?"

[Everything is over. Damn! I caught her with that buffalo.] ]

"Calm down, Fong. Maybe you just misunderstood."

[What did I misunderstood? I asked her and she told me that the buffalo is her new boyfriend. Asshole!]

"Huh? She sucks! How could she leave a good guy like you?!" Now, I have to console him.

[Tine, come with me.]


[I want to get drunk! I want to get drunk and forget life! Meet me at the Maomao bar.]

"Did you tell Peuk and Ohm?"

[I'm with them now, come quickly!] Then he hung up.

Oh ho?! Faster than me? What's heartbreaking is that, how on earth did they suddenly reserve a table at the bar? Honestly, I really don't want to see my friends brokenhearted like this. Why? Because it is expensive to pay for the drinks!

I finally take my car keys and drag my body to greet my friends to that place. We're still freshmen. I'm still 19 years old, so it is still illegal to go to the pub. Therefore, we choose a small bar to sit back and drink alcohol to get rid of sadness. I tried to look for my friends in the dark, until I finally saw Peuk waving his hand with his bored face.

"Why did you order this? Is he better?" I asked while sitting.

"Better, my ass! You know what? Since we arrived, he's been drinking nonstop." Peuk immediately described Fong's madness. Ohm is ready to tell me the entire story and I want to know it as soon as possible.

"His girlfriend cheated on him. He can't accept it because he has given all his heart to her. I already told him before that she is just a high school girl, that her love is just puppy love. But he won't listen."

"Waaaah! I don't understand! Why did you do that to me? You broke my heart! It hurts!"

"It's been a long time since we played this song, so we will play this for you guys today! This is dedicated to all the heartbroken guys out there!"

"Woooh!" Fong shouted as soon as the singer on stage had just finished speaking. I mean, come on! Do you really have to play a sad song right now? I am afraid my friend will kill himself! Damn it!

"Let's sing together..."

"I'm exhausted. I can't stand, can't move on... (*1*) I'm like the man that is going to die, can't breath.

I'm like someone being stabbed at the back And then stabbed in my heart."

"Calm down, man!" Ohm raised his hand and patted Fong's shoulder gently when he saw him crying while singing.

This damn singer... there are billions of songs to play, why this song?!

"How can I live my life? Nothing, I have nothing left. I want to die!"

The hellish hour begins after the song ends - the unlimited drinking. Fong is drinking nonstop and he wants all of us to drink with him. If we won't drink with him, he will cry again. Oh God! What the hell is this?

From one, to two, to three glasses. Now, we have to order another bottle. We are not hard drinkers, but when the waitress came and took the order of the table next to us, we ordered some more liquor. Why? Because they looked like high school students. It is embarrassing to be defeated like that.

"Hey, I want to drink Saeng-Song."

"No. That's bad quality stuff. It's not good for your stomach." Already drunk but still blabbering.

"Don't talk too much. Excuse me, can I have one Saeng-Song? Also, five cans of sodas, and a bucket of ice, please?" Peuk finished ordering then quickly leaned on to Ohm casually.

Half an hour later...

"I will be back. I need to pee." As soon as I stood up, I realized that it's hard to control myself because of the Saeng-Song. I walked with stumbling footsteps as if I was falling forward. I tried my best to go to the restroom despite the dizziness.

After I finished my personal business and went back to our table, I looked at the stage confusingly.

I sat on the chair, and my blurry eyes were trying to see what's happening. They are the same people who performed earlier but why is that there's a loud noise?

"Wow! Our hottie is here! Come and join us!" The singer shouted and the screams became louder.

"Whooooaaa! Go ahead!"

"Hey!" A big round of applause happened again. Then a tall body of someone who appeared from the dim light. I continued to lift my neck to look until the person turned around in my direction. We then made eye contact for a moment.

I don't know if I really have good eyesight or the devil just sent him to me. I can now clearly see the man who is in front of me, and that's Sarawat. He wears such extremely extraordinary clothing... T-shirt and sandals...

"Hey, look at that guy! Who is he? He looks so cool!" Yep. My friends here are drunk. So stupid.

"Don't pay attention to that! Let's just drink! Cheers!"

The sound of the glass clinking made us no longer pay attention to the person on stage. I turned to Fong and comforted him by drinking. I don't know who the singer is now. I only know that Sarawat is the guitarist. More importantly, the crowd is yelling his name unstoppably.

Not too long after that, people at the table next to us paid their bills. And then new customers came and shamelessly took the liberty of pushing their table towards us. "Excuse me, can we sit here?" It's too late to ask for permission.

"Ehh. Sarawat!" I yelled his name. When I saw that these people are his friends, I immediately understood. Fuck! They are all here.

"Hey, Troublemaker. Look at your face. Are you drunk?" This is his first greeting after we separated at the club this afternoon.

"Why? I'm not drunk."

"But you friends are completely drunk." The tall body sat next to me with his friends. There are a lot of tables here, why did you guys join us?

"Oyy." I glanced at Puek and Fong, and can only let out a deep sigh. Ohm is now in between drunkenness and craziness because he started to smile on his own

"Why are you here?"

"My friend is heartbroken so I must accompany him."

"Wow! What a nice friend."

"Of course! I came here to look after them." I really want to cry when I imagine that I have to carry them back. I think calling a rescue team would be a better idea.

"Don't drink too much and don't get drunk." Sarawat reminded me.


"So, these are my friends." He then turned to introduce his friends. I've met them before but I don't know their names.

"Hello! I'm Man-Oh-Hum."


"Sorry. I mean, Oh-Ho!"

Damn. Why do they like to embarass themselves? The rest of them also made a joke along with him. I am so done with these people. All of Sarawat's friends introduce themselves with their silly nicknames. I just found out today that the members of the mighty White Lion are not different from three-year-old children.

Drinks are added according to the number of people who have just arrived. We sat and drank slowly, but I only sipped a little, just enough to satisfy my thirst because I didn't want to get drunk. I still have to bring the members of 'The Male Lead' back home.

"Do you come here often?" I asked the person next to me after I had been quiet for a while.

"Not really. Mostly, I come here to see my senior's band."

"I see a lot of girls staring at you. So damn hot."

"Are you jealous?"

"The hell?"



"I have something to say." I looked at Sarawat's good-looking face for a while.


"When will you get drunk? I want to touch you."

"Damn! What's wrong with you? Fuck off!"

"Ahem! What's going on here? I heard something disturbing. My friend here is really naughty. Hahaha!" I hate his friends. I feel like punching their mouths one by one but I can only imagine that.

"Sarawat, come here for a minute."

"Umm... I'll be right back." He turned to us while saying the second sentence. He went to see his senior musician, leaving me here with the White Lion.

These guys are so good at holding their drink. They are drinking alcohol as if it is water. I mean, it's okay if they're just drinking on their own but unfortunately, I am here. And they want me to join them. Damn.

The bar is almost closed now and customers have gradually left the bar. Right at this moment, Ohm woke up.

"Tine, are you okay?" Ohm asked me. I can't even open my eyes anymore.


I told myself not to drink too much but Sarawat's friends forced me to drink. I didn't want to lose face, so I did what they told me to do. And yes, half of that bottle is in my stomach.


"I surrender. I can't stand anymore."

"Stop drinking, okay? You have to bring Fong and Puek back." Let me ask you, can you even take care of yourself now, Ohm?

This is the toughest night I've ever faced in my life. However, I tried to pull myself together because I need to take care of my friends. Puek and Fong are sleeping like dead people. Ohm and I are looking at each other stupidly. Then suddenly, someone touched the back of my neck and bent down so that our faces would be on an equal level.



"Who told you to drink this much? Damn!"

"It's me," Man interrupted while grinning. He then continued to play with his phone, leaving me to gaze at the man in front of me with a confused look.

"Who are you? Is this Sa-la-wad?" I asked.

"Umm. Drink some more. Finish your glass." His thick hand gave me a glass of something.

"I don't want to. You want me to get drunk so you will harass me."

"Stupid. It's just plain water. Finish it quickly." I held the glass in my hand but I'm still doubtful.

"Fine." I drank it and stayed still for a little while. A few moments later, my forehead was hit by a cold towel. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sarawat wiping my face gently.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Umm. Thank you. I need to bring my friends back."

"I'll take you home. My friends will help you carry them too. Where is your dorm?"

"I'll tell you later."

Chaos once again occurred when Sarawat's friends helped my three friends, who were now lying on the floor. As for me, I am busy stealing the opened bottles of liquor back to my room. I mean, we paid for this, right?

"What are you doing?" Sarawat's voice made me smile shyly. I have no choice but to surrender and stand still.


"Put it down."

"Oops! Sorry. What are these bottles in my hand?"


"I like this."

"Put it down."

"Nice bottle design." "Put it down."

"Okay." But why should I be afraid of him?

"Can you walk?"

"I'm fine. I'm strong." But I can't walk properly. I just let my fate decide. I walked unsteadily to follow the tall man in front of me. When I was outside, I saw my friends were all tucked in my car. When did they take my car keys?

"Sit here and show me the way to your dorm." I nodded and climbed to sit on the passenger seat obediently. I am in a semi-conscious state so I can still lead him the way. Sarawat's friends are in another car behind us. When we arrived, they helped me carry these drunk bastards to my room roughly.

All of a sudden, Fong cried and threw tantrums. This made our job harder. "I'm like....someone stabbed in the back...Damn!"

"Oh shit! Sarawat! Help me!" One of his friends asked for help. The owner of the name then ran to give him a hand. His friend carried Fong's head and Sarawat took care of his feet.

While they're carrying him... Thud~

Fong kicked me right in the head.

"Hey? Are you alright?" I shook my head. I shook my head not because it didn't hurt, but because I feel dizzy...

"I'm good. You go first. The room key is with the car keys."

I let them go first while I'm sitting on the stairs to pull myself back together. Not so long after that, Sarawat's friends are walking back. They are so ready to go back to sleep.

"Tine, we're leaving."


"Wat, are you coming with us?" They asked the guy who's walking at the back.


"What are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for this Troublemaker to return to his room."

"There's no need. I'm okay. I can do it by myself." I quickly spoke and stood up, holding on to the railing while slowly walking back to my room. There is a ghost following me all the way there.

"Go back."

"I didn't bring my car here. I left it at the bar."

"Huh? Then hurry up and chase your friends! They might not be far yet."

"Lazy. Can I stay here?"

"There is no space here. Do you want to sleep in the toilet?"

"Cold... So cold..." I haven't gotten an answer from Sarawat yet, but I have to walk to my bed to cover my three best friends with my blanket.

Damn! You guys are sleeping on my bed. Tonight, I have to sleep on the floor, right?

"I'm cold..." Ohm is shivering. He is already covered with blankets and still complains about the same thing.

"Should we turn off the air-con?" The deep-voice man suggested.


That is a great solution. But I just realized that it only benefits my three friends who are now in their sweet dreams. It is a terrible idea for me and Sarawat because we are now sweating. Is it a karma for a chic person like me?

"Balcony? The wind blows pretty nice out there." He always suggests a very fucked up idea but strangely, I did not refuse at all. So I just followed him from behind.

"Do I really have to sleep on the balcony tonight?" I said in a low voice before sitting on the balcony to enjoy the cool breeze. Meanwhile, Sarawat is standing, holding the banister like he's filming a romantic movie.

"I just want to get some fresh air then I'll go back inside.


"Actually, I just want to be alone with you."

"Fuck off!"

"Where is my guitar?"

"Beside the closet."

"Did you take good care of it?"

"Yes. I feed it three times a day. Sometimes, I give it some vitamins."

"Don't forget to take it for a bath next time." I am so done with his nuisance. I've never won this game. Sarawat walked inside the room and came back with the guitar with his name on it. He then sits down right next to me. "What song should we send to P'Dim?"

"Why are you in the mood to ask about this now? I am still drunk from liquor and Fong's kick."

"English song?"

"You're so annoying. Did you hear what I just said? Buffalo."

He said nothing but held his guitar to play a solo part of a song. This song sounds so familiar to me...

"I have never expected that it will be today, the day we're here together. (*2*) I have had this feeling since the first time we met.

The first time we talked, I knew that there's something meaningful. There must be something between us, connecting our hearts."

This song is 'Click' from Scrubb. He used to say that I am the wife of this band. I think he is now the mistress. I can't resist so I sing along with him.

"We are on the same page (easily). Different from other people (so much)

Tell me what you think about me (inside your head)."

"Do you remember when I said I wanted to tell you something?" Sarawat stopped. I am rolling my eyes, trying to figure out what he asked.


"At the bar."

"The hell? The thing about touching me? You're absolutely a bastard."

"No. I am serious this time."

He played the guitar again. I dare not to look at the person next to me, even just a glance. Why do I feel so weird like this? Is it because of the alcohol in my blood?

"I've never found someone who is not too left, not too right, not so perfect. Not too pessimistic, or too demanding. But there is something extraordinary."

I must be so drunk, or maybe I am dreaming...

"I've never found someone who is

Not too fast, not too slow, not too few. But you are better than others.

Good for my heart, and perfect together."

The song ended. But we are not looking at each other at all. I have no guts to look at his face, and I don't know why. Moreover, why are my hands shaking like this? "I don't like beautiful girls."

"I know that. You already told me. But I do." "I also don't like pretty or smart girls."

"The opposite of me."

"I don't like common things. I think you know well that I'm not like the others."


"I guess I like something weird, something rare."


"And it is very strange because that person... is you."


1 - เพลงแทงขา้ งหลง ทะลถงหวใจ

Taeng Kang Lang Taloo Teung Hua jai

(Stabbed in the Back All the Way to the Heart) - Aof Pongsak

2 - เขากนดี

Khao Kan Di

(Click) - Scrubb