Chapter 15 : Real People are Gangster Enough

"This guitar should have a name."

My eyes stared at the thick hand that took the snack out of his bag. He is bowing down and is so determined to get the guitar pick to line up on the table. There were so many types of picks: thick and thin one. I don't know how the makers produced this kind of stuff. All I know is that he is ignoring me.

"Are you listening?"

"What?" His sharp face looked at me. I felt like I interrupted his screening of picks with meticulousness. I am not happy about that.

The two of us sat under a shade of a tree at the marble table. Both his gang and mine went out to buy food and haven't returned yet. What's left is just me and this crazy bastard who is too busy with his guitar picks. The club is getting busy because of the Music Festival next semester.

"This guitar is mine now so I should name it."


But when he saw my bent face, Sarawat rolled his eyes then looked up at the sky as if he was thinking for a bit.

"What kind of name do you want?"

"I want a name that shows my personality."


"..." He responded without thinking. Wait a minute, I won't accept that! Does my face really fit for the word 'poop'? If he changed it to 'handsome', then I won't have any objections. Try me.

"That is your personality inside and out."

"I hate you!"

"You don't really hate me. Like, say that you like me."

"Shut up." I quickly cut him out then let out a deep sigh. I think of some other names to get rid of my irritability. I thought of a name and asked for the opinion of the person in front of me.


"It won't work at all. It doesn't suit the Scrubb brand"

"I'm tired" I really am. And he is just teasing me all along.

"Your face looks stupid, not tired." Cool. I got scolded again. I am getting frustrated because I can't think of anything at all. So, I picked up a candy to eat.

"Is Rola a good name?" I'm thinking about the girl in porn. She is so sexy. But the response I got made me even more depressed.

"That guitar is a man."

"Hey! This is a guitar, not a dog. There is no gender for this."

He refused not to argue back. He just sat down and stared at me because I can't think properly. His behavior implies that he is thinking of something naughty. He is licking his lips while penetrating his eyes to mine enormously. I can say that he looks like a dog right now. A dog wanting to bite me so bad.

"Do you want some candies?" He is not responding so I quickly moved the bag of candies for him to see.

"I don't want candy. I want you."

"Fuck off!"

"You are so cute."

"Stop looking at me. I won't let you look." I reached out to push Sarawat's face. I am having so much pain with his behavior. I wanted him to turn the other way but this bastard is really persistent in looking at me.

"You don't have to look at me. Just let me look at you."

"Well, you can always think of me too."

"Don't be so stubborn. Come on let me bite you."

"Go bite other people! Don't bother me."

"I am not interested in other people. I don't even know what kind of species they are. Not like you, I totally know what you are made of. That is why I want to tease you so crazy."

"Is this how you express love? The others will treat their lovers and look after them well. You are so damn..."

"Damn, damn with you. I want to bully you...because you are special." I don't see anything special with this sentence at all. What's wrong with this guy?

I could only make a scared face when Sarawat moved closer to me. Oh, I am having goosebumps.

"Okay... Let's think of a name. Wait... why are you moving closer?"

"I am using my brain to think, not my body. Why can't I move closer?"

"Are you bothering me?"

"But why are you shaking? This is not the final exam. Don't be scared."

"You... Who would want to think that shallow? The name you're thinking is nonsense, just like your name." After speaking that sentence, I temporarily stopped. Then I saw Sarawat's face getting closer and it looks like he is going to attack me anytime soon.


"Saraleo is busy."

"Sarawat... please."

"Okay, give me a kiss then."

"Let me kick you, damn it!" I am angry this time. He noticed it so he sat back to his normal position smiling like a fool. He then broke the silence.

"Troublemaker." Okay, he is teasing me again.


"I have a name for the guitar." "What?"


"Who are you calling, the guitar or me?" I am now getting angry.



"Take good care..."


"I love that so much. So much that sometimes, I wanna treat it very well on my bed."

Wait! Is he referring to the guitar or me? He is also showing a very perverted face. "Oops! That was a quickie!" I am still mad at Sarawat and now, the White Lion suddenly appeared. They also integrated with my friends and acted like they are in a drama scene.

"I am jealous. I want you!"

"Then come to my room tonight."


"My room has a bed. I can treat you very well like someone here. Haha!" Everyone laughs together and makes it look like a fun moment. The drama features Man and Puek is over as I'm about to kick their asses.

"By the way, P'Chol called for training tonight." After the teasing and having fun, Boss started to raise serious issues.

"When? I didn't see him for quite some time." Sarawat answered.

"Met him at the cafeteria just now. He also said that you need to say goodbye to the music club's rehearsal for a week. This is a really important matter." Sarawat nodded while still looking at the guitar pick on the table.

"Can you do me a favor?" Sarawat offered me this because we are in the same club. "Go tell P'Dim for me. Do you dare?"

"Of course!" The whole club may be afraid of P'Dim, but not me. I even handled Green who is too busy following me all day every day. Speaking of, I haven't seen his face lately.

"Never mind. I'll tell him myself."

"Okay." I'm an easy boy. If I get refused, I will let it be.

"Make an appointment to cheer for me too." The low voice spoke without looking at me. All of our friends smirk playfully.

"I have to go because I'm a cheerleader." No matter which matches and no matter where, I have to go even though I want to ditch it in order to keep myself in the room and play a game.

"Do not cheer for others."

"Well, my rival is every team that competes with my faculty." But I forgot that they are already out of the league because they lost to them.

"If you will cheer for me, I will win."

"Which team are you competing against?"

"Engineering." I rolled my eyes and kept my mind in peace.

Well, the hope is always there but I can't say that they will win. Everybody knows how good that team is. Otherwise, they will not hit the university championship every year. I heard from the seniors that if they win this year, it is going to be their six-time consecutive win.

"You both may forget that there are also other people in the world. We are also here, you shit. You are talking so sweetly by yourselves. It's annoying!" Man broke out the silence. The atmosphere that was getting better is now covered with noise pollution that can cause irritations when you listen to it.

"You should use your time to practice your football skill, not to make fun of me." I answered Man sarcastically.

"Great words, Tine! Do you want to be kissed?"

"Fuck off!"

"Or be fucked?" What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Shut your mouth." Sarawat spoke loudly until all of his friends were quiet. The expression of extreme emotionlessness appeared on Sarawat's face. His stare to Man is so scary. It looks like he is about to kill him.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Don't be too serious! Now, who wants to bet for the game?" Man is really good at going with the flow. He can change serious situations into a fantastic moment.

This is just a small gambling game that occurred within my gang and the White Lion. Ohm, Peuk, and Fong chose which team to bet and offered an amount of money while having fun.

"Tine, who are you cheering for?" They asked me.


"What the hell? You are sitting in front of the White Lion. Why are you cheering for the other team?" All of them are whining. I hate to say this but even the main lead can cheer on the other side. Right?

And since the stakes are high, I did not dare to choose Political Science for sure. I am afraid of having no money to live.

"They are the six-time champions."

"They won't win this year because we will take them down."

"Dreaming, huh?"

"And what if we win? Don't underestimate us too much."

"How much are you gambling? I'll go with 500 Baht." I asked Sarawat. But the bastard is still not listening. He is still focusing on his guitar pick.

"Wow! Only 500 Baht? Look at your friend Peuk. He gambled 2,000 Baht!" said Man. I looked at my friend who has an albino face.... and I knew that he was definitely forced. This is also a frightening system in the society: Peer-pressure.

"Then, how much do you want?"

"If we win, you don't have to pay any money, but you have to post love words on Instagram for Sarawat. You can do whatever as long as we will be touched until we cry."


"..." Great. You are playing this much? His friends gave him a round of applause but my heart is torn if I should agree or not.

"Oh shit. Hahaha!"

"Tine can't do it for sure."

"What now? Brave enough? Show us!"

"Deal! I am not afraid. You will lose anyway." I am a gangster enough, I guess. We all know the Engineering team is always the champion. They never lose, especially this match,

"Then we will leave now. This is yours." Before leaving, Sarawat handed me a green colored guitar pick.

"Why did you give me this?" I looked at it, stunned.

"A good guitar pick will prevent your fingers getting hurt when playing the guitar." He looks like he cares about me a lot.

"You have been quiet for a very long time because you are too determined to choose a guitar pick for me? I can just grab one and that's it."

"I chose that. I have to be determined. Everything that is related to you needs effort and determination." The tall body picked up the other guitar picks and placed it in a small clear box. He picked up the backpack and placed it on his shoulder before standing. His warm and rough hands rubbed my head back and forth.

"You even chose another team to cheer on. But I am not angry. Whatever you choose, I will support you. As long as your heart chooses me."


"Focus on studying."

Boom! Why do you have to say that? My body was crushed into pieces. My heart...


For the past few days, Sarawat has been practicing football too much. Today, he invited me to eat before his training. We went to the brothel's old shop, Sarawat and mine's favorite cafeteria. He is wearing the shirt and pants of the International Milan football team.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.

"I'm not very hungry. But I'll have iced chocolate. You?"

"I'm not hungry either. I'd get a stomach ache during practice."

"Oh! Then, why did you invite me?"

"I just want to see your face. I haven't seen it for many days." He said.

Today, I still don't know what my relationship with Sarawat is. Are we just friends or just letting it develop into something else? Everything looks so uncertain. But what I know is that... I like what we are now and it feels good.

Let it be and just let it go, just like P'Muey and P'Ball of Scrubb said. But I must focus on my stomach first. I said earlier that I am not hungry but after looking at the food on the table next to us, I drooled. That crepe cake, I want to eat it up. "That cake looks so delicious."

"Choose it at the counter bar." Sarawat said in his same deadpan face.

"Fine. I want to eat spaghetti as well. Do you want that?"


"This shop makes delicious nuggets as well."


"Also nice apple tea."

"What do you really want to eat?" The owner of the tanned skin picks up the pencil and jot down all the orders quickly.

"All that I mentioned." To be honest, I am really hungry. I just want to look cute but I guess it did not work as planned.

Everything is on the table now. Sarawat is not doing anything except sitting there and staring at me. After ten minutes, the food in front me was handled all by myself in that short period of time.

"Sarawat, lend me your ears. I have to whisper something." I leaned forward. The taller person moved his ears to me and then...

"Buurrrrppppp ~" I freaking burped into his ears. Hahahahaha!

"Burping that much?"

"I am full."

"You should be."

"Oh! Sarawat!" That is not my voice. We turned our heads and saw someone who just entered the shop just a moment ago. She is familiar because she was in the same club as ours. She is Earn, the friend of Prae and Green.

We never talked to each other in the club because she is in the group of those people who can play guitar. But everybody knows her because Earn is always being teased by the seniors and oh, she has a pretty face.

"Hi! Came here to eat?" Sarawat asked.


"Want to sit here?" I proposed to get involved in the conversation.

"Umm." Earn replied with a smile while sitting in the chair next to me.

The first time I saw Earn, aside from her beautiful face, I can say that she has a nice personality. She is studying Architecture, likes to play music, and sometimes, plays football. She can easily get along with Sarawat since they have the same interests. I really want to go out with her if she doesn't mind. Hehe.

"Order first?"


After ordering, we kept talking. Most questions are coming from me asking her. She answers all of my questions so naturally and she is not thinking like most of the women I used to date. The more we talked, the more she became interesting. I don't know which part of Earn's charm hit me.

I know, I am a newbie guitarist over Sarawat. It is a good atmosphere until... "Yeah, Sarawat. At the end of your match, don't forget to practice your guitar."

"I'll show up so you have someone to complain with."

"We have to choose our song as well. Second semester has another music festival."

"After this match, let's talk about that. Also, our band is complete now."

"You will form a band? Can I join? Please. Please." I listened to it for a while then spoke so I got involved.

"Go learn how to play C chord without a distorted face first before talking about joining a band." My dream was crushed when Sarawat's low voice sounded. Damn it.

"Want to play the song Desktop Error?" Sarawat asked Earn.

"Sarawat, their song is really hard to play."

"DCNXTR is okay."

"It is on the list. We know your taste." said the beautiful face with a wide smile.


"Anyway, tonight, I'll give you a call to tell you which songs are listed. Let's go prepare the music chords afterwards."

"Don't call late."

"I know. Before nine o'clock tonight. Chatting with you is hard because you keep on making typos."

"I can type well now."

"Really? If I did not teach you to type, it would be harder." Said Earn while laughing.

Now I know that Sarawat is not calling just me. I should have known it from the start. I know he talks only to his family and some of his friends, but chatting...

When the food arrived, Earn was eating alternately and telling fun stories for me and Sarawat to listen to. But it sounded like she was only talking to Sarawat because their voices are getting louder and louder, laughing at each other. I don't want to interfere with them and I really don't understand their topic because they are talking about advanced music.

They also talked about this new indie band. I can't cope up with their song suggestions because I literally have no idea about those songs. It all doesn't make any sense for me. They are both really cool together.

I feel like an outsider now.

Sarawat smiled while talking to Earn. He doesn't smile that often. Right now, I don't know anything. I can't understand this feeling of annoyance swallowing me. Maybe because I don't like being ignored just like now.

"Ohhhhh. I am really full."

"Because you ate so much."

I still sat and listened to their conversation even though my heart starts to be filled with loneliness.

"I want to have it..."


"The one who I can share everything with, both happiness and sadness."

"What do you want?" Sarawat answered her.

"Split the bill. Haha!"

"Earn, don't joke around." Sarawat reached out to push the head of the person sitting next to me. I couldn't do anything but to laugh dryly. To be honest, I am worried.

Sarawat was never like this before, except when he was with me and his best friends. Maybe, he doesn't like me that much. Because having Earn around, there is no much difference when I am with him. She is even better than me.

"Hey, I'll go to the bathroom." Sarawat nodded.

All the plates are dispensed at the front of the counter. Therefore, I am free to go home after using the bathroom. I may be rude, but I don't want to interrupt their conversation.

I hate this. I really hate this feeling. Suddenly, I think I became the person who is so afraid of falling in love. And at this time, I chose to do my old habits that I always hated. I will go home and leave them together.

Tine TheChic

I am always ready to cut anyone who doesn't know how to value me.

Five missed calls from Sarawat.


I got irritated on the sixth ring so I picked up my phone. "What???"

[Why don't you pick up my call?]

"I'm taking a shower."

[Taking a shower this late? Where did you go? Why did you leave without telling me?] But how should I answer him? I don't want him to know that I am upset. But I don't feel anything other than that. What to do...

"I had diarrhea so I hurried back."

[What's wrong?] I know what he means.

"It's fine. Don't mind me."

[You can tell me everything. I am really worried about you, but I couldn't be with you because my senior wanted me to practice for the match. I am free now. Can I go to your room?]

I want to cry. Damn it!

"You don't have to come here."


"Sarawat, I have a question."


"Do you really like me?"

[...] He did not answer me. All I heard was a deep sigh from the end of the line. I need an answer so I can make a decision. If I am still hesitant with the answer, I will choose to cut him out.

He was diligent that's why I opened my heart to know him even though he is a man. I choose to disregard everything out just because I want to learn more about him.

Look at how it turned out...

"I think... Let's just disappear from each other's lives for a while as if we don't know each other. You don't have to call me. We don't need to talk. I know you can survive. In that way, maybe you can find yourself and like other people."

[And why do I have to like other people?]

"I don't know. Well, just in realize that you don't like me that much."

[Are you nuts?]

"Stop bugging me. The person you like is not me but Earn! You like Earn! Earn!!!"

After dropping her name, I cut the line without listening to him. The truth is, I am afraid that I could be wrong. I am afraid... that he will really like her. Afraid... that he will really stop messing with me as if I never existed.

What am I doing?! Shit!


I guess my assumption is true after all. Sarawat did not call me for three days. I tried to avoid the Political Science building even though our faculty is near them.

The first day he did not call, I am extremely satisfied. I want to cut him out just like that. But after entering the second day, I did not know what ghost possessed me bringing the bad mood with me all day long.

As for today... the third day... I really can't explain. My friends said that we used to curse and argue all the time but when he disappeared, I felt strange and lonely. I have never been this much.

"P', I would like a glass of apple tea." I dragged my body to bring myself to Cafe Tun with my gang.

I did not tell them this story because I was afraid that they would make this a big deal. Letting it go in silence is probably the best solution.

"I would like a hot green African smoothie." What the heck? Let these three crazy ghosts manage to order their usual odd menu. As for me, I turned away to find a table to sit and wait for my order. My mind suddenly pushed into confusion when someone entered the shop.

"Tine, hello!" It's Earn. I've never seen her outside the club except what happened days ago.

"Hello!" I waved back my hand as a greeting. However, I feel like my heart is about to break when I see the tall guy who just came out of the toilet.

"Did you come together?" I don't know why I chose to ask Earn with a question like this. But when she saw Sarawat walking close to a table, she combined her bag with his. From there, I immediately knew that the thing I am afraid to happen is already happening.

I did not wait for the answer and hurriedly walked back to find a table to sit far away from them. My gang followed me and we started to play mobile phones and read comics. There are times that I take glances at Sarawat but I am arrogant and I want to play hard. Since it is not looking good, I tried looking for a new flirt. By then, I might forget him.

"Apple tea is ready." As soon as I heard my order, I did not wait any longer. I walked to the front of the counter with my wallet. In front of me is a senior, smiling while standing. He is the guy who asked for my number and a selfie at the bar.

I remembered his name... Milk or Mil? Whatever. I will not say hi to him.

"Tine." He called me, so...


"Hello. This tea is free. It's on me." Before picking up the glass and placing it in front of me.

I already said that this shop is owned by an architecture student and this is a prime location for all students. Therefore, it is not surprising to see architecture students helping to serve orders.

"Came with friends?" He asked me.

"Umm. Came here to help?"

"Yeah. Just to relieve stress. Bored with studying so I help here." What a good life!

"Then, I'll sit with my friends now."

"Okay. Stay comfortable. I'll stop by at your table later to talk." He said while gently rubbing my hand and immediately patted my head in a lovely manner. It made me feel so confused.


I'm still confused when someone's hand slaps another hand out of my head. I did not know how long Sarawat had been standing there. He just did that without any expression in his eyes.

"Please talk to me." That low voice I haven't heard for the last three days spoke. He pulled me with his thick palm that twitched my wrist to walk out of the shop in the eyes of many people.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I swear I felt offended. I can say that I am now feeling like a jealous wife because he cheated on me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Why did you allow him to touch your hand and your head like that? You allowed him to rub it so easily? How?" Sarawat is like a nut. I've never seen him like this since we knew each other. Usually when he is speaking, I only see his deadpan expressionless face. This time, it feels like he is about to kick me.

His eyes were angry and I don't think that mood will cool down quickly.

"I can do everything I want. It's my business, not yours! Don't get involved."

"What the fuck? Why am I not involved? If I did not care, would I do this much? I lived alone for years gathering all the strength to talk to you. How can you let anyone do that just like that?" Wait! It may look good but his interpretation is strange.

"When you came with her, I did not say anything! I did not demand anything. Why are you making a fuss now?"

"I did not come with her! We just met here coincidentally then she invited me to sit with her. Just that!"

"So why are you telling me this?"

"I haven't talked with you for three days because I let you do whatever you want. I tried not to see you but do you know what? It hurts! It hurts more than not seeing you for a year. At least by that time, I never expected to see you! But now I hope to be with you and stay with you. Do you understand?"

"..." So stunned. He is acting mad at me.

The tables have turned, huh? So, is it my fault now?

"I don't like Earn that way. We are just friends. She calls to talk about music only. She already has a boyfriend. Damn! Do you understand that?" That sentence from Sarawat made me calm and mourn for one full minute.


"I'm mad at you." What?

"Why are you sulking?"

"I am sulking. So, what?"

"I really thought you liked her. It caused me to be distracted for three days and I can't sleep. How are you going to take responsibility for this?"

"Then be my boyfriend."


"If you are my boyfriend, I will make sure you will sleep peacefully every night."

Damn! My heart...


It all ended with nothing. The sulking Sarawat seemed to be happy now and is busy practicing football. Earn has a lover so my mind is at peace. He is a senior of our club.

As for the matter of him asking me to be his boyfriend, don't talk about it because it was just a joke. I did not take it seriously to the point of agreeing to be in a relationship with him even though I am still confused about my sexuality. I know I still like beautiful girls but let's wait for confirmation.

But forget all the doubts right now. Because at the end of the day, everyone is looking forward to the match between Engineering and Political Science. After arguing the last time at the shop, I haven't seen Sarawat and his gang because they are training double time.

As for me, my heart really wants to find time to practice the guitar because P'Dim will surely insult me again. But I don't know what to do because I have to juggle my time studying and practicing cheerleading until the end of the university league. "Just quit school and leave."

"Then where should I go? I need to leave now." I spoke sarcastically while collecting my books and picked up my bag.

"Yeah, you need to leave now because you will be dead if you are late." Fong shouted but his voice was not too loud.


"P' asked us to serve water on the side of the field. She told us not to be late." When I heard that they will serve water, I did not object. Besides, they will meet some cute people from the cheerleading team.

"Well then hurry and let's leave!" In fact, I really want to hurry because I am so bored. I also need to apply make-up. Talking about make-up, I immediately thought of Sarawat's face and today's most important match. Everyone is looking forward especially his wives and the hardcore fans of the sport.

First year is not too hard to study. Subjects being studied are the basics that cover old knowledge from middle school. It is a good thing for us because we don't have to stress ourselves. But the thing killing me are my extra-curricular activities.

Though I can't complain because I chose this myself. If only I had known it would be like this, I did not join this cheerleading team.

Immediately after departing with the three handsome heroes, I came to find a senior year leader who is waiting for all of the cheerleaders to arrive. Since we have to wait for all the people to arrive, I sat down to chat with friends and use social media to kill time.

I heard a whistling sound from some seniors who are nearby. All attention was quickly diverted to them. For many days, I have not seen him. Sarawat remains the same - not thinner nor darker in any way. In addition, his deadpan expression is still there.

"Nong Sarawat, you came to see Tine?" Lot of seniors hurriedly asked him.

"Yes." He did not deny anything except pushing my ass into that little chair until I almost fell. Damn this bastard.

"Go and sit in that chair. You don't have to squeeze in." I produced a very loud sound but he acted as if he did not hear me. He just turned his face and gave me a distracting smile.

"Aren't you talking? Do you want trouble?"


"Wait a moment. I can still punch." "Can I change it to something else?"

"..." What the hell? He dared to say an ordinary sentence but he sounded too much of a moaning voice! Good thing he whispered to me or else, these seniors might hear us. Even though all of their attention was on us earlier, we are now out of their focus.

"You have to play football today, right? Why don't you hurry and prepare?" "I asked P to come and see you for a while."

"Okay. Let's make it a moment then." He is still speaking close to my face.

"Long time no see"


"Why do you smell like a fat old pig?" Should I slap him? Instead of saying something good to me, he even provoked me. The nerve of this guy. He is really so damn inspirational.

"My father, who is a sweet charming man, blessed me with lavender freshness. Wherever I go, you can surely smell me." I answered him ironically.

"I like your face when you are angry."

"Don't bother with me."

"I want to bite you. Can I bite you?"

"Are you a dog?"

"Can I bite your lips?"

"Take your nails and crush it first."

"Tine, you have to put on make-up now." The senior's voice called me to interrupt. I hurriedly stand up and go straight to the make-up artist. There are still many people waiting to get dressed as well.

"Why are you following me?" I turned to ask the bastard who just followed me. "I will look at your face." He said with a deadpan face.

"Nong Sarawat, you can sit here for a moment. He needs to get change first." Instead of chasing me, he moved to the chair that was pointed by a senior. "Thank you."

"Tine, can you tie your hair first? I need to look for a foundation that will match your skin color." The make-up artist bent in front of him, lifted his head and put the stuff in a clear plastic box. My job is to pick up the rubber band and tie it to the hair that's touching my face.

"I'll do it for you", his deep voice interrupted.

"You don't have to tie it yourself."

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

His mouth spoke like that. Some people are screaming around him all over the room. But it looks like his hands are slower than his mouth because a senior already picked up the rubber band and gave it to him awkwardly. I swear if he will tie my hair, he will pull my head off.

His hand is rugged and rough. When it stroked my forehead, it felt like an eight million herbal scrub was mixed with a dense sandstone.

"Like this?"

"Almost." His sharp eyes and his lips are in line with mine. His eyes were fixed on my hairline without blinking. To tie my hair must be extremely difficult.

"Your forehead is as wide as the Rajamangala." I am really fascinated with him.

(Rajamangala is the national stadium of Thailand.)

"I hate you."

"The next time, I will bring a ball to practice with my friends."

"Damn you bastard!"

This is the result of us, trying to learn from each other for a while. To be honest, I don't see any good morale in Sarawat. He is no good at all.

I sat down in a soft chair in front of the seniors. The beautiful tall lady that looks like an angel bent her eyes, choosing the best foundation that will suit my color. She then started to spread foundation on my face.

"The similarity of a monkey's face and yours is really strong."

"...!!!" She was suddenly distracted by a famous monotone sound from the voice of this bastard.

"Not a monkey, Sarawat. Tine has a white skin and this color is perfect." His words are not just to make me look embarrassed, but to make everyone shocked.

"It is a good foundation but that is a bad face."

"What's the matter with you?" I just want him to shut up.

"That won't work. It's very different."

When I saw Sarawat complaining non-stop, I sent a signal to this beautiful make-up artist to re-apply a thinner foundation.

Her white hands turned to pick up loose powder and apply it on my face. After that, she returned it and picked up a brush to dip the light brown eyeshadow. She is hesitant at first because Sarawat is watching her.

"No, it's alright." I agreed to put on the eye shadow. The problem is that I won't argue back especially when I am scared. I always say yes to everything. I am that considerate.

After that, the make-up was in full chaos because there was a demon intervening all the time. He took the eyeliner and said...

"Black eyes are for pandas. No need to use this one." When she was about to apply the blush on my cheek...

"You will look like a baboon."

She changed what she's holding into a lipstick but... "Just apply lip balm."

"What do you want?" I spoke loudly and almost drooled over Sarawat's face.

"Today, I do not want to wipe your face."

"She has a remover. And hey, what I am saying is irony. Do you understand?"

"I don't."

"Learn to understand it now."

"And what are you going to wear? This will make you cuter."


"You want to be cute so other people will like you, right? What a pain."

Then he got out of the chair and walked out in a storm. The room became quiet and the whole group was confused as to what just happened.

Is he on his period? My heart...


The main event which is the match between Political Science and Engineering is happening. Duties of the university cheerleaders just like me is to walk in line to dance to the opening march. The players are preparing on both sides of the field. Engineering team is wearing a crimson red football shirt while Political Science wore their signature white shirt.


On the field are the players of both teams that are actively running, doing warm- ups. We were done with our performance so we are now walking out of the field. For a second, I walked past the tall man of the university. The only sensation I felt was his warm palm that gently rubbed and patted my head. He walked straight as if nothing had happened.

But for me, there is nothing much left. My heart who is resting peacefully beats so fast through my chest.

"What is Sarawat doing? Yes, we see that!"

"That's not good!"

It turned out that I was being killed by the looks of his wives. Their attention was quickly shifted when the official players were introduced.

I don't know how great this match is going to be. Even a senior from the White

Lion team collapsed due to nervousness. There is nothing different from them until I saw something at the back of their white shirts that made the cheerleading team and his fans excited.

"Super White, Number Twelve!" SCREAMS!

"Sarawat~" the stadium became too loud. Sarawat bowed a little to give respect. With that being said, Political Science is different from their previous match because normally, Sarawat will wear a white shirt with his name and number twelve printed at the back. But today...

He wears a new shirt that has the word "Super White" to show off to the public.

Where did he get this confidence that he is white? His skin color and his hair were not white at all. I even have the courage to tell myself that I am as white as the zodiac sign. But him? let's face it. He is not white at all.

Man's shirt has the text "Man-Oh-Ho" in it. Let's say that regardless of which player of Political Science, regular or back up, there is a tagline in the middle back of their white shirt.


The sound of the whistle sounded from the referee before the round ball in the middle of the field will be kicked out by someone's feet. This is the sign that the match history of Engineering and Political Science has already begun.

The university cheerleading is responsible for cheering on the side of the field. But when the ball was kicked close to White Lion's side goal, my mind and heart were beating incorrectly. To be honest, I am not ashamed that I am secretly cheering on Sarawat's team. I don't want them to lose even if I bet on their opponent.

As the game progressed, everybody was so hyped up. I have never seen any football matches and feel this much torture before in my whole life.

"Today, Sarawat number twelve has changed his name. Old number, but new name. Welcome.... Super White, who has the ball now." I feel stressed.

But this bastard's fans are really annoying me. They are all taking pictures from a far corner.

"Super White! Fight! Super White! Fight till death!"

"Man-Oh-Ho is passing the ball to the TeeMoe... forwarding it to Engineering... and... and..."



"Wow! The ball has gone to Silom!"

The commentator of the game is so funny that even the cheering team became twisted. As for me, my condition did not change. I am still hopeful that they will win. I am also sweating like hell. Good thing the seniors let us take a break first and saw my three friends working very well. Peuk then showed me the weariest face I've seen.

"Do you think they will win?" This question belongs to Ohm. I can't even answer it myself. All I know is that... I am cheering for them.

"I don't know."

"I think your team will win."

"This is going to be their sixth time then."

"That was before these guys came... Hey! Hey!"

At the end of his sentence, Ohm completely distracted me. The ball is being kicked close to the Political Science goalkeeper. For a second, the screams from the stadium rang up with my breathlessness becoming aggravated. The ball was kicked to the net.

"Engineering team has taken the White Lion. 1-0."

There were both happy voices and fierce cries from all sides of the stadium. The game continues without interruption. Throughout the first half, players are being substituted due to kicking until injured. But that's the charm of football. The first half ended in a 2-0 score. You can clearly see the disappointment from the White Lion gang as they walked through the other side of the field.

Sarawat walked with them with his sweat dripping down his face and his body. The staff delivers water and cold towels to them. I was sitting not near and not so far from them. I want to check Sarawat but I do not want to disturb their concentration in planning for the second half.

After their planning, his tall body went straight to me with a half-bottle of drinking water. He threw himself to a seat while panting heavily.

"Sweat stinks. Move and sit far from me."

"I'll stay here." I mean, I really don't mind the smell of sweat. We let the silence do its job for a while. But I could not bear to start the issue.

"Don't worry too much. Losing is totally fine." I broke the silence. For Sarawat, he may be sad. But in my heart, I am full of joy when I think of those words I just said.

"I'm not thinking about it. Just knowing that you are here cheering makes me happy."

"Um... and what made you think to wear that shirt today?"

"Yeah. I am wearing this shirt. Right." His answers are vague. I don't want to argue with him so I choose to keep quiet.

"Where is the other shirt?" I am referring to his old white shirt. I guess that is his lucky shirt. But Sarawat did not answer my question. He is just sitting, not saying even a word.

Many seniors nudged Sarawat to take a photo. I just picked up my phone to play. At that time, I saw a new tide from Sarawat's wives on my timeline.

"Super White is so cute."

"Our husband wants to take off his shirt and let his wife wash again."

"Sarawat is currently flirting with other people. Let's just give up on him."

"I volunteer to wash your shirt! Hahahaha!"

After the seniors took photos of Sarawat, he walked back to his seat near me and sighed heavily.This person stood all around and surrounded by a lot of people but he is ignoring everybody's eyes.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked him. My eyes examined his knees down to his toes.

"I am not hurt."

"Ten minutes left before you'll play again. Want to listen to music to release the stress?" I offered him and he nodded. He grabbed my hand and pressed it hard. I can really feel that he is stressed.

"Do you have earphones?"

"Ummm." He responded softly. He bent down to pick up the backpack under the chair. He searched for his white earphones. His thick hand stuffed one side of the earphone to his ear. He is handing me the other side of it but it looks like I don't have an option because his eyes are so terrifying and looks like he is forcing me to take it.

"Open the Sound Cloud."

"You choose a song." I am waiting for Sarawat to choose a song he likes. I have to pamper him because I know for sure that he will lose so I have to find time to console him before it happens.

"Open your eyes to see the new day's sky (*1*) Looking away with an empty heart

Forget about the bad days, the old days When a sad day have passed"

The song resonating in our ears is "For You" by the one and only band that I am crazy about and Sarawat knows so well...

"Each person traveling past together Sometimes things might go wrong

Some days I begin to feel discourage you to console me That's why I know...

I will give you everything"

"I will give you everything."

The voice of Sarawat loudly overlaps the music. His left hand moved to hold my right hand tightly while staring in my eyes as if he wanted to say something. He is singing the song while fixing his eyes on mine.

"No matter how long you will leave, I am here Because there will be good things to happen More than ever and may not be enough

But please be confident with me."

The last verse... That last verse hit me hard. He is just looking at my eyes but I feel like he is asking me a favor. He smiled so I let out a smile as well.

The most important thing I realized during this time is that... I am beginning to trust him and be confident in him little by little.

He got me today. But who cares? I want him to know what I'm feeling but... "Ohhhhhh? Tine lost."

"Oh my gosh. There is a loser! Hurry and follow the promise!" The sound of the White Lion gang bombarding me. Political Science turned the situation around. After the second half, the score was 2-2. That's it. But the committee ordered a penalty kick which resulted in them winning. In addition, it was Sarawat who fired the eggs to make that happen.

In the end, bad things came to me. I am the loser.

The fans of Political Science are cheering them until people leave gradually. Right now, my friends and the White Lions are the only people left on the field. "Umm. I'll do it tomorrow."

"Tine, my friend, you can't do that. You have to tell them that you like my friend."

"There is no picture to begin with. I'll find a picture first."

"No need. I already sent it to LINE." Damn Ohm. When did you take a picture of me and Sarawat? In less than thirty seconds, the picture appeared in front of me.

This is a photo earlier when we were listening to music together. Both of our faces are smiling like we are so full of happiness.

"The picture is okay. I wonder if they are smiling because of the music." "Hahahaha!"

"Post it! Post it! Post it!"

"Think of a sentimental caption as well." I turned to ask help from Sarawat but it seems like he is not cooperating with me.

"Yeah! I'll post it. I am a real person! I am gangster enough!" I sighed heavily. Raise my phone with one hand, shaking slightly, and press the application.

I chose the picture that Ohm sent without adding filters but the caption... I can't think of any....

When I'm done typing, I posted the photo. At first, my friends did not agree on the caption I typed but now, I think it is fine because the notification sound is ringing nonstop.

Sarawat did not pick up his phone but my friends showed it to him and it seems like they had fun reading it. He turned to look at me.

"Is this serious?" I just bowed down my head to the point of almost having neck pain.


The sentence I typed is circling in my head....


I like Sarawat

Sarawat moved closer. He moved his sharp face against my ears. The warmth of his breath made my body hair stand up.

"They challenged me to think of a word that will describe my favorite person.... and they will print it at the back of my shirt. 'Super White' is not is you.... little buffalo."


"I like you"


"Seriously, I really like you."

I don't know how to respond with this sentence. Damn! This bastard is really better than me. My heart...

1 - ใหเ้ ธอ (For You) - Scrubb