Wandering spirits

Alissa opened her eyes, regaining her vision. She didn't know how much time had passed since the accident, but one thing she knew, is that she was dead. So was the guy that she loved, who was right beside her corpse.

Looking around her in search for lover, she didn't see anyone. She proceeded to call out for him, however, there was no response. All she could hear was the sound of the sea…

This of course, broke her. Although she didn't have a physical heart, she could feel her chest hurting, crying over the loss of her recently established lover. She couldn't believe it, and was starting to question reality because of her doubts. She wanted to take her own life, but couldn't, because she was already dead.

'What kind of cruel torture is this?' She wondered as ghostly tears escaped her eyes. She is now a wandering ghost, and perhaps, even immortal. What is she even going to do throughout the years that she'll be conscious, without him?

"Why?! Why Why Why?!!" She cried out loud, for no one except other supernatural entities, to hear her. Of course, those supernatural entities weren't planning to reveal themselves, possibly due to how used they are to seeing a similar situation like hers.

"Please… Don't leave me… What am I supposed to do without you? Please…" She begged beside the corpse of her lover, wishing that he had turned into a ghost as well. Sadly, it seems that he had no regrets, and might have already entered to the cycle of reincarnation.

Did he really have no regrets though?


Indeed, he had his regrets, and that regret is him not being able to spend more time with the person he loves.

"I'm here. I won't leave you alone. Especially now, that you're a ghost. Together, we will find out how to live like ghosts, okay?"

Obviously, the guy had long realized how troublesome it would be for Alissa to adapt life as a ghost. Of course, it hasn't even been five minutes since he had died, so, it wasn't really that long since he realized such a reality.

Indeed… It had taken the guy longer to die, simply because he had a greater vitality than Alissa. That's why he wasn't present when Alissa had called for him. He was still alive and bleeding at that time, and therefore required a few more minutes to turn into a wondering spirit.

It would've been sad for Alissa if an ambulance had passed by at that time, in all honesty. Fortunately for her, there was no passerby available to help the dying guy. The only person who had ever passed by in the hours that those two were at the cliff, is the very person who had caused their deaths.

The reason why there was such a little amount of passersby in the first place, is because today, is no other day than the sweet carols of Christmas.

Families are spending time together. Couples are practicing Christmas kinks on bed. Obviously, there would not be a lot of people passing by, because they're all either home or in crowded places. Presumably, the guy that did a hit and run, might be someone that got a Christmas break up. Or maybe, his girlfriend told him that she is home alone. Maybe that's exactly the reason why he did a hit and run…

Of course, that doesn't justify anything, because two people that could've still done a lot in the world, are now wondering spirits.

"So… What now?" Alissa asked while being in her lover's embrace.

She was so happy when she saw that her lover hadn't left her. That's the reason for her being in his embrace at the moment. Because she had leaped towards him out of sheer joy of seeing him alive again. Well, technically alive.

"Now, we hunt. Haha, I'm just kidding. Why don't we visit a church or something? There will be carols, and maybe, God will bring us to heaven. I mean… If ghosts are real, God must be real too, right?" The guy suggested, trying to make the best of their current situation. Why be sad, when one can be happy, after all…

"Sound like a good idea to me." Alissa replied with a cheerful smile visible on her face. She was happy. Happy that life didn't really end, and that she is able to spend times with the person she likes, as lovers.

With that said, the two went towards the guy's car as an act of habit.

"As, sh*t… It seems like we can't touch anything physical." The guy uttered after he had made such a discovery. He was making sure that Alissa knew of such information too.

"Well… I guess that's an obstacle that we can't pass. Hahaha…" Alissa joked, before letting out a very dry laugh.

"Pff! Lol, okay." The guy in turn couldn't help chuckling, as he didn't expect Alissa to create such a punny joke, especially in the situation that they were in.

"But seriously though. What are we going to do, now that we can't use the car?" Alissa asked when the conversation had become silent.

"We walk, I guess…" The guy could only give such a simple suggestion, since all the ghost stuff was pretty much also new to him.

"How about flying? Can't we fly or something?"

It seems that the duo was fortunate enough to have Alissa, who was able to come up with such a brilliant idea in mere seconds. It's a brilliant idea if it works of course, which it did, because when the two tried to fly, they were indeed able to fly.

"We're flying!" Alissa yelled out loud while she was in the air, mesmerized about the fact that she is now capable of flight.

To Alissa's words, the guy gave his own assumptions, which he couldn't stop himself from doing, simply because of how great the potential of his fascinating abilities are.

"I don't think we're actually flying…! From what I can tell, it's more like we're lifting ourselves…! Right! Psychokinesis! We're actually capable of psychokinesis! Woohoo!" Were his words to Alissa.

"I don't know what that is, but yeah! Woohoo!" Alissa simply joined in the act of celebration, even though she didn't know what exactly her lover meant with his words.