
"Imagine for a moment that you are exploring the ruins of an ancient forest when suddenly and silently your party members go missing one after another. This is not the work of a ghost or an evil spirit but a single Bulette ambushed them from the very ground they walked on."

Aldrich felt a chill up his spine just thinking about it, this was the weakest of the weak? It didn't have any other ability so to speak. However that one ability was already so deadly.

Ayemon used the word swim, that was not a mistake, it was a deliberate choice of words. If so then even if it was discovered, it could simply escape into the ground, what could he do then? Dig after it? That was a redundant idea. What monster would wait in place for it's doom?

It could escape far away and then attack once the party had lowered its guard or once they were weary, tired or even when they celebrated a successful battle.