the last question

Aldrich handed the bandits to Cole and the others while he and Frank went over to the carriage. The carriage came back once all the commotion died down.

"Hey, Charlie, thanks for the help." Frank shook hands with the coachman and Aldrich handed him the rest of the pay that he was promised. All in all that was almost a silver.

"No problem, I'm getting paid so it's not much of a hassle. You say hi to your folks okay, Frank."

"You got it."

In fact, if he wasn't a contact introduced by Frank he probably wouldn't have agreed to help for less than three silvers. But Frank proved to be well connected and that saved them a bit of money.

But most importantly it meant that their little play on the rules by including a civilian in the quest was going to stay a secret between them.

In, the shade of the towering trees the party gathered around, resting, drinking water and cleaning their equipment. The two captured bandits were tied up in two different tree trunks.