Attack (1)

Cole lived in Lunsken district with the rest of his family, the Tenberrys and their family was considered okay, not too bad in Voryhrm.

But that was in Lunsken, the worst district in the entire city, some might call it the slum district which wouldn't be too far off. And so Cole spent his life there And he had seen some messed up shit.

The law was basically a joke in Lunsken, the city watch station did not function at all. Lunsken was ruled by various criminal syndicates that wrestled with one another for control over the district.

All the businesses in Lunsken had to pay one of the six syndicates 'protection money' although the Tenberrys were better off than some they still had hard times which made it difficult make much of what they had when most of the money went out of the door.

Cole had to learn to protect his coin pretty much since he could remember anything, but that was not the end of it. For him, learning to protect himself was not enough.