
"Do you know which chapter they're from?" Knowing that could make it easier to know what the inquisitors are here for.

The inquisition of the Acladonian Empire was made up of six chapters, each performed a specific purpose. Each chapter was headed by a High inquisitor and all six chapters fall under the Archlector.

The Archlector is one of the most powerful people in the Empire, perhaps in the world. The post included a permanent seat on the High council, a seat with the emperor himself and the other high lords and great officials, like the grand marshal and the prime minister.

"I don't know but, I heard some of them were wearing golden robes and others with grey ones." The elf said with uncertainty.

Aldrich handed her a copper coin and left the inn with the rest of the party. This was an interesting piece of news, he only knew the golden robbed men were from the Watchful Eye chapter.