Meeting the lord of Ebrict

Aldrich returned to the nightmare realm of his own accord and started reading the various books in the study.

He had no intention to fight anything today, besides he was sorely lacking in understanding of the nightmare realm, even if these books were from the time before the great change he could still learn many things from them.

He was especially interested in the economic and social structure of this world. Although the nightmare realm was a different world, he found that there was surprising similarities between the two.

The way the Divine cores allowed ordinary people to become extraordinary was so mysterious. If he could get his own Divine core here wouldn't that be really helpful?

That was only a passing thought.

Throughout his stay he had to get as much knowledge as possible, even if he couldn't get much else at least that was going to be of use to him someday.

After that Aldrich stopped reading and focused on himself, inside him there were two types of energy.