Chapter 1 : A New Heart

Tian Sopasitsakul, the youngest son of the former Vice-Commander was taken to hospital with heart failure. In this world, apart from the power of money, there is a miracle. Although the hospital could have saved his life, the medical team felt that due to Tian's lack of attention to his condition, Tian's heart muscle was now failing and only a heart transplant could save him. The hospital rushed to coordinate with the Thai Red Cross to find out if there were any organs available for transplant and then, a miracle happened. The organ donor centre reported that a donor had died in a car accident just an hour earlier and tests found a match between the deceased's blood type and organ tissue and Tian's name, which he had applied to register two years earlier.

Tian, who was hyperventilating on a ventilator, had to be prepared for emergency surgery and Mrs Lalita and General Teerayut sat anxiously waiting outside the operating theatre. A heavily made-up thirty-year-old woman approaches, she frowned to show that she is still worried about her little brother.

"The operation will take a few hours, go and wait in the waiting room, someone will call when it's over." Pim suggested, as she too wanted to wash her face and eyes.

"Pim, how can you say that? Don't you care about your brother who is in surgery?" Mrs Lalita turned to her second daughter and accused her.

Pim grimaced, her wide, glowing eyes looked straight into the operating theatre, as she and her brother were more than ten years apart in age, they were not very close.

She didn't know how to express her concern, every time they met Pim complained about her brother's increasingly aggressive behaviour and it always ended in an argument.

"Mum, I'm going to bed, you can wait here," Pim said and walked away, regardless of how her mother was looking at her.

Tian's parents waited nervously and anxiously for five hours until they saw a figure walking back and forth from the operating room door. The couple jumped up from their seats and rushed to the door of the operating theatre to wait.

A few minutes later, the doctors emerged from the operating theatre and smiled at the hopeful waiting family.

"Don't worry, the operation went well. But to prevent infection, the patient will be kept in the ICU for a few more days"

"You mean my child is cured, right?" Mrs Lalita wept with joy, this time death had not taken her son away.

"It depends on the patient's morale for the rest of his life, in order to prevent cardiac rejection, the patient has to be strictly adherent to the immunosuppressive drugs, otherwise he could easily relapse. So, even if the patient can resume a normal life, he or she has to be more concerned about his or her body than the average person," said the renowned professor of medicine, giving post-operative advice. It's not hard to live with a heart transplant... But it's not easy either.

Tian's mother is silent, given her son's past behaviour and she can't really guarantee how long he'll live after he's healed.

But she hopes and hopes that Tian will treasure this opportunity, that she will not let down the donor who has passed away.

Tian had never slept so deeply for so long, each time he was about to wake up it was as if someone had dragged him back into the abyss, he lay in his hospital bed, moving his hands which had not been moved for a long time.

Tian slowly opens his light brown eyes, looks around through the transparent oxygen mask covering the tip of his nose, medical equipment all around the bed, it's really hard for a newly conscious man to guess where he is, his wrists are also pierced by a tube tied to a saline and blood bag.

It really does look like a hospital, at that moment all his consciousness suddenly awakens, hospital, he's not dead!

The sound of the heart monitor and the abnormal vitals caught the attention of the ICU nurse on duty, a doctor was called immediately. The doctor dashes to the ward and skilfully checks the patient's condition.

"Khun Tian, calm down, breathe slowly!" The young nurse told Tian to breathe with her, Tian had just inhaled too much oxygen due to the excitement, Tian tried to follow the instructions but it is difficult, the heart under his chest is trembling as if it is not part of his body!

After a while, everything went back to normal with the medication, he tried very hard to slow down his breathing, as if he had just exercised vigorously.

"What happened? I remember, "

voice low, hoarse with a hint of shock.

"You had a heart transplant but don't worry, everything went well, you are now recovering."

The nurse smiled and encouraged Tian, then turned to the doctor who arrived to report Tian's symptoms, the assistant tells Tian was still in shock to rest.

Slender eyes stare at the chest fluttering up and down with fear, fluttering... The ear hears a loud sound like the building of an organ pumping blood, a chill spread to the fingertips, he realised.

It wasn't his heart!

After making sure his wound is not infected after the transplant and that his body can adapt well to the new organ, the doctors will allow him to go home to recuperate but he must be checked in strictly on time.

It has been about three weeks since he was given a new lease of life, he is trying to forget that a part of his body is now not his, although a suspicion keeps coming to his mind "who does it belong to." but he is well aware that the rules of organ donation are that no information about the donor can be revealed, in order to protect the privacy and rights of both the donor and the patient. To protect the privacy and rights of both the donor and the patient.

Tian, in his blue hospital gown, looks out of the window as it is late in the day, breathing in the fresh air, the faint sunlight on the pale skin makes it less ghastly than it was before, it is red in colour, a sign that the heart has given the new owner a new lease of life.

He looked at his hands, which are not as bony as before, thanks to the strict nutritional care of the hospital and they look good. He is no longer drinking and anaesthetising himself, he overheard the surgeon saying during the operation that he was lucky to be in the best of health to meet the minimum requirements for an organ transplant, if he had delayed any longer, the operation would have been riskier.

Long, dark eyes scanned the VIP room for visitors, all former schoolmates and teachers, none of his former friends, even so, he didn't blame anyone, it was his choice to reject his former friends after learning the terrible news of his illness. Because he was jealous that they did not have a future like his own.

What about his friends in the black car gang? He laughs slightly sullenly. The people who had gathered to be ironic to get away from society, were gone but that was no surprise. He felt so stupid, following these people into trouble and what did he get in the end.

Tian glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the room and frowned in surprise. The appointment had passed, his mother was still talking to the attending doctor and he was beginning to worry that something might be wrong with his health, so much so that he hadn't been allowed to go home until today.

A gentle voice from behind the recovery room door aroused Tian's curiosity, Tian reluctantly got up from the bed, then grasped the saline bar with one hand, slowly unscrews the knob of the door handle, opened the door a little and stood in the doorway to listen.

The elderly doctor was embarrassed by the couple's request but he gave the same answer as required.

"I really can't tell you, even if you ask the Red Cross, they can't tell you."

"But we really want to repay the donor, Dr Kit." begged Khun Lalita. Although she knew that the donor was simply donating her organs, she wanted to thank her and give a donation to her family. After all, she saved a life, what a great thing to do!

The doctor sighed heavily, he understood the good intentions of Mr Teerayut and Ms Lalita but he probably couldn't even do that." Well, I will write down the name of the donor registry for you and what you do with it, is up to you." In the end and Dr Krit had a soft spot in his heart, he invited them to talk to him in the examination room.

"The donor?" When he felt his heart beat abnormally for a few seconds, a thin hand brushed his left breast, Tine looked into the open space at the door and found two young female nurses standing there talking.

"You are Dr Krit' assistant, do you know who the donor is?" One nurse asked her colleague next to her.

"I don't know, the doctor was tight-lipped about the deceased but the Red Cross worker who brought the organ said that the donor had been in a car accident, the same day that Mr Teerayut's son was taken to hospital with a heart attack"

Tian swallowed frequently, his forehead began to sweat and he struggled to swallow., His forehead began to sweat, he tried to suppress his excitement to prevent his heart from being overloaded. At the moment, he really didn't know whether he should hear the news or not, it left him torn between "wanting to know." and "not knowing." about the incident.

Tian's mansion still stands majestically in the heart of the city's affluent district but for Tian, who had never been away for more than three days before, gazing at the large house surrounded by exotic gardens, Tian felt extremely excited and happy to be back again, he really thought he would leave this world.

A personal nurse hired by the family helped Tian out of the car and into a wheelchair, Tian was still very weak and for convenience the family moved his personal belongings to the guest room on the ground floor, where he stayed for the time being.

Now Tian's parents have asked him to take his third year off from school, as the doctors have advised that he needs a few months off before he can resume his normal life, when Tian found out the news he waved his hand carelessly, he was only graduating later than the others, he will live to see that day.

Mrs Lalita went into her son's temporary bedroom to check that everything was in order. She sat on the edge of the bed, brushed up her son's long black and red hair and saw his eyes.

"Mummy has sent the barber to cut your hair at home, Tian will look as good as before."

The mother smiled at her son's angry look.

Tian nodded, looked at his mother's face and suddenly Tian burst into tears. The past, the resentment and hatred of fate that had led him to hurt the people who loved him so much.

"Mum--" Tian held the warmest hand in the world." Are you angry?"

The mother smiled gently and said, "Mum is angry with herself, if I had cared more about you, I could have found out you were ill sooner and got you treatment."

"It's an infection of the heart muscle caused by the influenza virus, it couldn't have been cured when it was caught." he said to his mother, it was no one's fault.

"But mum is happy, the bad things are over, son, you must take care of yourself now, all the bad habits you had before will stop." Mrs Lalita was talking about Tian's smoking, drinking and disruptive behaviour over the past two years.

"I know Tian was impatient with his promise, because he didn't want to think about those bad times, when he thought of something else.

"About the donor but when he opened his mouth to ask, it stuck in his throat.

"What?" The mother felt puzzled but Tian didn't say any more.

Tian bit his lip and shook his head and said, "Mum, it's nothing, get some rest, I want to sleep, I'm always sleepy when I take this medicine." He changed the subject immediately and immediately lay down.

"Rest, when you wake up, mummy will bring it to you." Mrs Lalita tucked her son in and left the house quietly, so that he could get some rest.

At the sound of the door closing Tian opened his eyes, his brow furrowed, he wanted to slap himself, he had just asked a question he shouldn't have asked.

He didn't know who the owner of this jewel was, didn't know who had lost his life forever.

But if he did, would everything still be the same?
