33 - Brutal

Xu Xin's ruthlessness instantly caught the attention of several people, because even after he had won the fight, he continued to beat up his opponent.

On top of that, the glowing eyes also gained the attention of a few people, since it was a rare trait that usually only stronger people could have.

The way that he so easily defeated someone above him in terms of cultivation level also showed that he was powerful, and the next person who was sent out was a girl at the fourth stage of the martial arts path, since each consecutive challenge would be someone stronger than the previous person.

But the moment the fight started, a bunch of people bet money for Xu Xin to win despite the lower cultivation level.

Suddenly, the girl charged at him, wielding a knife in her hand as a fiery inner energy flowed through her arms, hands, and the knife.

The moment that she charged at Xu Xin, the world around him seemed to slow down as he felt his reaction speed increase dramatically due to the aquamarine blood in his eyes increasing his perception.

The girl seemed to be moving in slow motion in his eyes as he instantly charged towards her, not even trying to avoid the knife and simply swinging out his hand, using the icy claws as he slashed at her chest.

He showed no hesitation as he slashed at her chest with one hand and at her wrist with the other, and the next moment, blood splashed as the girl screamed in pain, dropping her knife and stumbling backwards.

Had Xu Xin not shown mercy in this strike, she would have had the arteries in her wrist severed and she would have bled out, and her entire chest had four streaks of blood across it as she screamed in pain.

He once again defeated his opponent in one strike, but this time, he hadn't held back almost at all and decided to use his deadly strikes to practice with them, and if he hadn't shown mercy to her, she would bleed out from the cuts on her wrist.

Seeing this, everyone watching sucked in a cold breath of air, because Xu Xin was just too violent. He hadn't even shown any mercy to a girl his own age who hadn't ever offended him in any way and nearly caused her to bleed to death.

Only now did people start to take him more seriously, because it was clear that he showed very little restraint and wasn't here to mess around.

Unexpectedly, however, Xu Xin's words shocked them, "You've lost. Let me help."

He then went up to the girl faster than she could react in her unfocused state and grabbed her wrist and put a hand on her chest, sending his inner energy into her body, freezing the outer layer of the wounds so that they didn't bleed and sending watery inner energy into them to help them heal.

Then, without hesitation, after making sure that she was no longer bleeding, he spoke while shoving her away towards the challenger area, "I am testing out my lethal techniques; I have nothing against anyone here."

However, despite saying it to her in specific, everyone was capable of hearing it, and they were surprised that he would help her despite being so completely ruthless just seconds ago.

This struck everyone as odd, because most people wouldn't give an apology even if they severely hurt a person or crippled them, but this boy had apologized not only to this girl who he had just hurt, but he had also healed her and apologized in advance to everyone he would fight against.

The girl was still clutching her chest in pain, having had her skin ripped open about half an inch deep. Despite the top being frozen and it being healed by the watery inner energy, it still hurt like hell for her. It would definitely leave a scar.

She then held back her tears as she went to the doctor that was reserved for the fights all night.

Then, a boy hesitated for a few moments before heading out to fight with Xu Xin. This time, it was a boy who specialized in the element of earth, which meant that he had powerful defense.

This was one of the only reasons that he dared to go up against a vicious person like Xu Xin.

But instead of simply charging at the boy, Xu Xin simply stood there, being as silent as the night air and seemingly petrified in his stance.

It was clear that he wasn't going to make the first move, and seeing this, the boy charged at him, putting up his arms to guard himself and covering them in inner energy while mobilizing the rest of the inner energy in his body to be ready for anything.

As soon as the boy was within range of him, Xu Xin suddenly backed away, much to the disappointment of the crowd.

As he allowed the boy to charge at him again and again, he just stepped back every single time, making the boy angry.

Suddenly, the boy threw out a punch, and Xu Xin saw his opportunity.

He suddenly swung out with his icy claws towards the boy's wrist, and when they struck, there was a horrible screeching sound followed by utter silence as the boy backed up along with Xu Xin, both of them checking their wounds.

The boy's arm had been badly torn up, but he was still capable of using it, whereas Xu Xin's claws and nails had cracked, but he simply circulated more icy inner energy and they were instantly repaired.

Of the two, Xu Xin's injury was obviously not nearly as bad and didn't affect him nearly as much.

Seeing this, Xu Xin smiled, because his body was about as strong as this boy's despite being of a lower rank and not cultivating the element of earth.

He also realized that the aquamarine portion of his nails hadn't broken while the normal portion had, meaning that they were stronger.

The boy grimaced as he also realized this, and it was clear that his greatest advantage, his body, wasn't nearly enough to beat this boy in front of him.

As such, he quickly raised up his hand to show his surrender, because he knew he couldn't win and wanted to avoid the embarrassment of being beat up by someone of a lower stage than him.

He'd rather take the humiliation of surrendering than being beat up. Plus, that wasn't even considering the damage that would be caused by continuing the fight, clearly evident by the gashes on his wrist.

Without hesitation, he had taken the better option, which made Xu Xin slightly admire him, but he was more so angry that this boy wouldn't even fight him.

But he quickly ignored it and just waited for the next person to come up, and he was disappointed to see that the next person was much younger than him, and it was another boy who cultivated the element of earth, but he was certainly stronger than the boy he just fought.

He was disappointed because the younger you were, the less experience you could have, which meant that this boy likely wouldn't be smart enough to just surrender and would insist on dragging out the fight even though he likely couldn't win.

As expected, the boy quickly charged at him with an arrogant expression. It was clear that he was at least somewhat a genius, because he was at the fourth stage of the martial arts path while only being thirteen years old at most.

This meant that he had likely not encountered anyone like Xu Xin in his life, who was an opponent far more terrifying than he could imagine despite only being a year and a bit older than him.

The boy's arrogance soon led to his defeat as Xu Xin threw him out of the fighting area violently, being unharmed while the boy had cuts all over his body and an expression of shock and disbelief covering his face.

He then coughed out a mouthful of blood as he yelled out, "He cheated to defeat me! Get him, guards!"

The next moment, there were several guards at the seventh stage or higher on the arena, but just after that, they backed right back down as they saw a shining golden card in Xu Xin's hand.

They were originally going to capture him just to get on the good side of this young genius, but seeing that exemption letter, they immediately banished any of such thoughts from their minds and gave up.

But the boy was even more frustrated seeing this, so he ignored his wounds and charged up to Xu Xin, seemingly hell-bent on beating him.

However, it was at this moment that Xu Xin's eyes locked onto his, and an instinctual fear set in, like that of a bunny looking into the eyes of a wolf, knowing that death was near, and he stumbled as Xu Xin reached out to his already swinging fist.

Then, Xu Xin caught his fist, and using the momentum the boy had already gained, he swung the boy around and threw him into a nearby wall.

Then, without hesitation, he charged over to the boy, who hadn't recovered, and put his entire bodyweight into a punch that went straight to the boy's stomach.

Instantly, the boy, who hadn't had a chance to defend himself, spat out a mouthful of blood as he felt several ribs break and his lungs were punctured by the broken ribs.

But Xu Xin didn't stop there as he gripped the boy's throat, sending in a seemingly infinite amount of icy inner energy, his eyes locking onto the boy's as he emitted killing intent unlike anything the boy had ever seen.

Instantly, the boy's throat was covered in a layer of frost and ice, and the blood flow to his head was dramatically slowed down, making him go lightheaded and dizzy.

The boy was instantly filled with fear as he understood that this person in front of him had gone easy on him before, because at this point, even if the boy used his earth element inner energy that was of a higher quality, it would still not be enough to stop the pure amount of inner energy that Xu Xin was using at this moment.

"You know nothing of this world. Give up, unless you want to die." His voice was calm, but his killing intent only got stronger.

Instantly, the boy tried to nod, but found that he was barely capable of doing so due to his muscles being frozen.

Seeing the fear in his eyes, Xu Xin felt no pity whatsoever. This boy was arrogant and stupid, and he couldn't even control his emotions. Such a person needed to learn humility, and he would teach this boy.

A moment later, Xu Xin pulled all of the inner energy back into his body as he threw the body of the boy back into the wall again.

By now, the boy had fainted, and blood leaked from his nose, eyes, and ears as his blood pressure spiked to unfreeze his neck.

Seeing the pure brutality which Xu Xin had, everyone seemed to understand why he had an exemption letter.

As it turned out, he was a deadly person who simply didn't have any regard for the rules, and the exemption letter had been given to him to keep him alive and out of trouble until he matured.

The only matter now which people didn't understand was how he had gotten to see the king and queen in the first place.

But all of their thoughts were cut short when Xu Xin yelled, "NEXT!"

It was clear that he had signaled for another person to fight him but everyone was too engrossed in their thoughts to notice.

As such, he had simply yelled to get everyone's attention.