His fingers wrapped around Mahon's forearm, the strong muscled hands gripping into the flesh until it turned paler and colourless. Pulling Him to his chest, my lifeless head landing on his shoulder, instinctively Mahon's teeth sunk into the skin, the blood seeping out through the flesh. Washing down his throat and bringing a soothing feeling down his throat, the pain and agony that had been squirming through his hands suddenly cured, the excruciating agony that reacted to every twitch and fidget gone in a second. Pushing himself back, he looked at the monster, cracking and contorting body pulled up by the huge legs around it.
Mahon began to walk, his fists lighting on fire, the brief respite from the harrowing pain seemed so far behind, every silent second the time ticking silently through his head. Each noiseless step spreads through the sand. The eliminated steps behind him, reassuring and comforting him.
As they reached the monster its humongous form towering above the beach water swelling underneath and the ground shaking, the deep blue liquid carefully and elegantly controlled, and sculpted orbs the fluttering streams of water revolving in a perfect sphere the opalescent cobalt beauty mimicking the sky. The ground underneath shook, the sand sifting and shifting underneath him.
"This insolence, if you can regenerate, I will just obliterate you until no trace can be found."
"You think that hasn't been tried? Just give up now and give us all a good meal."
"How impudent my descendants have become. Allow me to teach you a lesson in the power of the sea."
The claws smashed into the ground slamming into the ground, the sand spraying into the air and pushing past m]Mahon blowing back the shredded remains of his clothes. The tattered fabric flapping and buffering around in the intense wind. His body swung forward, the pincers slamming into the ground next to Mahon as he moved out of the way, the hard skin slashing through his skin and grazing a thin red line. Mahon turned his fist rising to his head the luminescent glow smashing forward in a punch, but the wraith was gone its red body hovering in the air, the orb of water clenched in its fist the wind splashing out and crushing Mahon, his legs staggering and pushing him back buckling and shaking under the pressure.
It felt like nothing more than a punch, the quick quiet hit, Mahon could feel nothing… but all around him washing through his ears was sound, the raucous clatter of voices and endless sound. If it was little more than a punch…
Then why can't I breathe,
Why is everything blurry
His distant head looked down, the hazy and confused eyes stared down, opening wide in horror and surprise.
His chest was gone, a huge hole smashed through his ribs burrowing through his organs, his lungs obliterated, his heart destroyed, blood splattered over his limbs and stomach blood pouring from the perfect circle.