
Belamere (3)

Mahon's feet drifted over the charred ground, his eyes fluttering between the corpses, spirals of blistering fire splashing across the streets, coating the houses in flames, the entire city covered in a monstrous inferno, the twisting malignant flames funnelling through the houses, roofs burning in towers of flame.

As Mahon moved forward, his uneven steps filled with horror, he saw him. The white hair dripped over his eyes as he held her close, tears dripping from his eyes. The blonde hair like golden sand filtering through his arms, the burnt, pale lifeless face stared up at him.

"This is what I am, this is what the world was."

Mahon stood silent, his fists clenched in a pitiful helplessness.

"We should have never existed, to god we were nothing but ants. They claimed he loves us, but look around, where is love? Where is the father? Where is a shepherd protecting his flock?!? All I see is pain, and suffering, loss and terror. That is what god is, he is pain, not joy, he is the dark of death, not life and certainly not light. Millions of us saw this, thousands resented him, and hundreds fought him, he was a tyrant, he is a tyrant."

"You got rid of magic, what now?"

"I will kill god, and bring my people to the promised land, free from all suffering."

"But… without suffering, how will you know happiness?"

"What?!?" Belamere's voice shook the ground, for the first time looking away from the girl, his piercing red eyes like daggers.

"My time on this world has been filled with death, but also happiness, and if there is even a glimmer of light in a world of darkness then, that light can grow, our world is not made from sorrow and suffering, it is made from friendships and love."

"You cannot dare to assume you have known pain, you have known fear."

Behind the two men, there was a shout. The burning flames echoing through the obsidian eyes as tears streamed down his face. The child dropping to his knees and staring at the dragon above him. Light pouring from his hands and illuminating the dark night, blowing away the blackness of the night, light encapsulating the world for a few brief moments.

The green vibrant ground around him disappeared, in its place sand. The forests were destroyed, their once great trees sucked dry and crumpled to the earth, then everything condensed into a single glowing orb. The child still screaming at the dragon, his eyes burnt with sadness, his throat bled with pain. The orb floated over to the girl. The life force of an entire continent flooding through her body.

"This, this is where I was made,"

"But would you not have felt this immense pain only due to the love you felt, the happiness, the joy? Everything that you felt in that moment was only due to years of happiness."

"And I would have given all of that happiness to have not felt the pain, you have not known true pain like me."

"Perhaps, but that is not a reason to give up on this world."