In early April 2013
I didn't expect Hendrik to like children so much. During the few days I stayed here with Key, the man always set aside time to play with my daughter. Hendrik came home at half past nine, while Key had to go to bed at nine at night. Sometimes pity also ends their kenya when playing ludo or monopoly because they have to put Key to sleep.
Since living in Hendrik's house, Key has not attended school again. I'm taking care of his move to a new school. If you stay in the old school, of course, it will be very difficult because the distance of my house and Hendrik is quite far. About two hours by car.
Key seems happy living in this mansion. Moreover, Hendrik bought him many dolls. When he found out Key liked to sing and dance, Hendrik immediately bought karaoke equipment and turned the room closest to the pool into a karaoke room for Key. Not forgetting Hendrik equipped the room with a silencer.